Bass Fly Fishing

sliders on a sinking line (3 or 4) work best for me - they dive when you strip, rise when you pause.

a snap snap strip makes em pop too...

this is my favourite :

Bass in a farm pond or anywhere else are pretty easy. Forget about which rod or leader. I'm sure they're important, but they really don't matter.

The people on this site tend to make things much more complicated then they need to be.

Throw a generic fly, popper or piece bark on to the surface of the pond. (After having carefully crept to the edge and kept a few feet back)

Twitch. Let it sit. Twitch. Let it sit a little loooooooonger. Twitch. Then let it sit a little looooooooooonger.

Bass just can't stand it. They could care less about which rod you're holding or which fly you tie on.

Bucks county dudes ... how has the Bass fishung been in our neck of the woods?

Hit the Nesh for a few hrs twice this week and hooked a decent amt of blue gills, what I think was rock bass, etc .. but no SMB
barrybarry wrote:
Bass in a farm pond or anywhere else are pretty easy. Forget about which rod or leader. I'm sure they're important, but they really don't matter.

The people on this site tend to make things much more complicated then they need to be.

Throw a generic fly, popper or piece bark on to the surface of the pond. (After having carefully crept to the edge and kept a few feet back)

Twitch. Let it sit. Twitch. Let it sit a little loooooooonger. Twitch. Then let it sit a little looooooooooonger.

Bass just can't stand it. They could care less about which rod you're holding or which fly you tie on.

I could agree with selection seems pretty genaric for flies...I just want a larger rig to get the bigger ones out there.

Seems like fun, what flies are pictured in your avatar?
The fly in the avatar is a wiggle nymph. I tied a few large ones for Penns creek. Here's the link.!

I think with a lot of Bass, you just need to make them mad. They can't seem to resist something floating over them and twitching. The more subtile the better.

Cool, thanks, I'll tie some huge ones for Bass when I get my vise!

That is a good mentality to get into: **** em' the hell off. On researching bass a bit and cruising youtube, It is accepted thought. they are very "reactionary fish, they rarely pass up on opportunities.

I was trying an "S wiggle" with buggers for trout yesterday, kind of playing with my slack till I started to strip to get there attention first to trigger the reactionary strike. It worked out okay, and I can employ it for bass. Just need to take the slack out for the strike.
I was up at Neshimany (Mills Rd) this last Saturday...Water was really stained....I found some slower moving water and sure enough got me a nice 15" SMB. No trout but did catch lots of sunnies and blue gills using homemade nymphs.
And on Monday I got my first Brown Trout using one of my homemade nymphs at Pennypack Park.