Ban on importations of asian feathers?


Sep 11, 2006
Was in a fly shop this week and the proprietor told me there is now a ban on imported feathers or necks from Asia. He said prices will be up big time with next seasons merchandise. Might be time to stock up on any bargains that are still around.

I also wonder if it will eventually affect imported flies? Not that I buy many if any.
I've, also, heard this "ban on Asian birds" thing a few times now and it seems to be primarily based on the Bird Flu scares effecting our domestic flocks of pre- Colonel Sander's Super Chickens and others.

Right, wrong, or, indifferent, it may be all "usual panic-before engaging brain", which is common. Because by the time these imported feathers are ready to package and be shipped over here, they've been "sliced-diced-bleached-soaked-dyed and chemically drenched enough to be used in chemical warfare.

As for "next year's high prices", who's to say? I, know, that Dr.Tommy has enough feathers "ahead", (due to his over exuberance and his mom not keeping a tighter rein on his business practices), that there's still 4 warehouses full to the rafters, of his necks and saddles he still needs to move out, so it will be interesting to see if Whiting raises HIS prices, or not!?! He's sure been trying to move his overstock with all his different packaged offerings.

"But now?" Sure!! If nothing else, it's a great excuse to go to the fly shop and "buy stuff"!! What's more, fun?
Guess it's a good thing I just got back from Cabellas and loaded up for the long winter ahead. A friend of mine also has a couple of parrots and just brought me a bag of some really nice feathers since they are starting to molt.
Hey FB, I'll be sending out the sauce tomorrow, I had to wait for some Jamacian bird's nest peppers to finnish it off.
"Jamaican-bird-nest-peppers"...........dear God, where's the Pepto-Bismol? I, sure hope, that "peppers" isn't the Jamaican word for "droppings"!? Try the coffee, yet?
The coffee is excellent and full bodied as you described. I'm filling a thermos and heading out to wet the line for a few hours.
Thank you, very much, Medi for the compliment!
You're probably already on the water, by the time I post this, so it's too late to let you know about "pre-wetting your wets-by dipping them into my coffee".

Maybe next time. The results can be amazing!
(You can usually get 5-6 good casts off, before the hook dissolves.)