bamboo rod builders

I too am thinking about a bamboo rod and would prefer a PA builder so that I can visit and try some out first to help make the choice. I met Jim Downes at the Lancaster show and liked his rods. Art Weiler and Keystone Rod Co also have my attention along with Ben Turpin. I like that Jim is located on the banks of Penns.
I wouldn't overlook the bamboo rods built by Jack Mickievicz (Douglasville Pa). Beautiful rods for less than $500.
I just saw this old thread. Has anyone tried the bamboo rod kits from Angler's roost? How is the quality of the blanks?

I've built a few graphite rods but never anything with bamboo. What's the final product look like with these kits?

Also, the mntbrookrods website isn't up anymore. Anyone know what happened to it?

ksherbine wrote:
I just saw this old thread. Has anyone tried the bamboo rod kits from Angler's roost? How is the quality of the blanks?

I've built a few graphite rods but never anything with bamboo. What's the final product look like with these kits?

Also, the mntbrookrods website isn't up anymore. Anyone know what happened to it?


I have no idea, but another place to look for info is the

Im sure they would have plenty of info to share
if you haven't already gotten a blank from Anglers Roost, here's a heads up about his rods: Cheap chinese Junk. His customer service: Horrible, bordering on downright obnoxious. Knowledge level of components: I won't say how bad.... His return policy when HE sends the wrong components: laughable, but really inconsistent. I guess it depends whether he's having a good day or bad day....

Jack Mickievicz, now you're talking about a top notch builder. Tim Zietak in Pittsburgh also builds awesome 4, 5 and 6 sided bamboo blanks.

Good luck!