Bald Eagle - Tyrone Section



Feb 26, 2016
I haven't fished the Bald eagle in Tyrone for a few years, mainly because the wild trout bug bite me so hard that I had no interest in chasing potentially stocked fish.

That changed a few weeks ago when the little j got too high to wade, not wanting to drive to spring creek, I said hell with it and stopped to fish the Bald Eagle-Tyrone section, it was enjoyable enough that I've fished it once more sense then, and plan to fish it more often.

Looking through my "Trout Streams & Hatches of Pennsylvania" book, by Meck, I was kind-of surprised to read that he held the Tyrone section of the Bald Eagle in a relatively high regard. (He also shortened "Bald Eagle - Tyrone Section to 'BET', which i will also do from here out) Granted the book was published in the early 90's and things may have changed sense then, but In my own mind I have held the BET in the category of stocked fishery with not a whole lot to offer, from what I'm gathering this may not be the complete case. I havent heard anyone mention the BET on here, nor have I heard it mentioned much elsewhere either.

Anyone on here fish the BET regularly? Any information regarding summer fishing conditions, water level, temperature? Or possibly if anyone just has anything interesting to say about the BET, just wanted to open up the conversation on the stream if anyone else has enjoyed fishing the small creek lately, or in the past.

Just a FYI. About 2 years ago walking back to my car around 9:30, I walked into a middle Cult (Witches) meeting behind Smith Trucking in the woods. Don't know who was more surprised, me or them.

The Green Drakes just finished of the BET. The hatch is heavy enough to bring up fish.
I only ever fished it once but liked the water. I only caught stockers too.
Try a smudging stick over your fly rod sage, It will ward off skunk spirits. ;-)
sage wrote:
Just a FYI. About 2 years ago walking back to my car around 9:30, I walked into a middle Cult (Witches) meeting behind Smith Trucking in the woods. Don't know who was more surprised, me or them.

The Green Drakes just finished of the BET. The hatch is heavy enough to bring up fish.

To be honest that doesn't even surprise me. I put nothing past Tyrone. :cool: :lol:
I fished it last year during the GD's and saw really heavy spinner clouds of both GD's and slate drakes in the evening. this was close to where vanscoyac run dumps in. I didn't stay for the spinnerfall, but I caught wild browns and what appeared to be wild rainbows. big fill run (a high quality, but largely posted class a brook/brown stream) at least doubles the flow of little bald eagle during low water and it is good, cold water. vanscoyac (a mini big fill run basically) adds more cold water 2/3 of a mile or so downstream. little bald eagle is a nice small stream with what seems like good hatches. It's a real shame that it is damned for industry in tyrone, as it would otherwise add a shot of cold water to the little j during summer, allow free passage of fish into and out of the little j system, and potentially wash macros downstream that the little j doesn't really have above spruce creek. there are basically zero gd's above spruce, and i have never seen slates hatch in fishable numbers above spruce.
Great stream! That's where I learned to fly fish and I still fish if often. It fishes well into the summer, but by July I tend to switch over to bass, so I'm no expert. It definitely has good hatches.
Don't write it off too soon as 'just a stocker stream'. PM if you want a few more details.
the dam is being discussed and reviewed to be taken out or fish ladder the little j river assoc. is on this join up and follow whats going on the "little j"
i fished Bald Eagle and had a great time fishing dries.caught a mix of wild and stocked trout. found some nice pools.
The Little Bald Eagle is 5 minutes from my house I fish it a lot nice stream good hatches usually not to crowded

I fish it in the winter it holds some big trout.
Hook_Jaw wrote:

I fish it in the winter it holds some big trout.

Any size to the wild ones you catch? I havent caught any large wild fish from there yet, the only ones that I could identify as possibly being wild have been on the small side, I've hooked into a number of obviously stocked big fish but that's not what I'm too interested in.
gfoledc, if you ever want to fish it together let me know, I typically fish alone but wouldnt mind a fishing buddy once in a while. Only other fly fisherman I've talked to on the BET was an older gentleman named Ralph - good guy
I'll pm you sal
I am taking a guess that you are talking about the section of water between the light at bald eagle and tyrone proper. If so, can someone suggest a good place to park and or any other easily accesable sections of water that are good fishing, either fly or for bass? If possible I would like to ride the mororcycle down so I will be bringing a minimum of stuff.
Thanks in advance.
The BET pretty much follows the road the whole way, you shouldn't have any trouble just looking around for a place to park and fish.

I dont have any problem drawing people a map for fishing access on other streams I fish, lets say the Little J, but for the BET, it seems as though its not such a main stream, stream, and I would rather not put up exact spots on the open web, but if someone else does thats up to them.

NewSal wrote:
The BET pretty much follows the road the whole way, you shouldn't have any trouble just looking around for a place to park and fish.

I dont have any problem drawing people a map for fishing access on other streams I fish, lets say the Little J, but for the BET, it seems as though its not such a main stream, stream, and I would rather not put up exact spots on the open web, but if someone else does thats up to them.

Whether you think so or not, you just did what you think you didn't do.
DriftingDunn wrote:
NewSal wrote:
The BET pretty much follows the road the whole way, you shouldn't have any trouble just looking around for a place to park and fish.

I dont have any problem drawing people a map for fishing access on other streams I fish, lets say the Little J, but for the BET, it seems as though its not such a main stream, stream, and I would rather not put up exact spots on the open web, but if someone else does thats up to them.

Whether you think so or not, you just did what you think you didn't do.

Your totally right, saying the stream follows a road and you should just find a place to park is 100% giving away the exact location that I like to fish...... :roll:
In this thread I had been wondering what dam you all had been talking about. After looking at google maps, I hadn't realized that the paper mill dam was actually part of the BE.
I was also wondering how far up stream you had to go before you got into the bass fishing area or are the bass and trout found in the same areas?
With all the rain last night and what they are calling for this comming week my guess is the water will be up but hopefully will dry off at some point and I can get down and give it a try.
Cricket wrote:
In this thread I had been wondering what dam you all had been talking about. After looking at google maps, I hadn't realized that the paper mill dam was actually part of the BE.
I was also wondering how far up stream you had to go before you got into the bass fishing area or are the bass and trout found in the same areas?
With all the rain last night and what they are calling for this comming week my guess is the water will be up but hopefully will dry off at some point and I can get down and give it a try.

I've never caught a bass out of the BET, I've only recently started fly fishing the stream, hence the thread, but I used to spinner fish the stream around opening day years ago, I used to work at the mill and would fish the stream after work.

Maybe someone else knows something about bass fishing on the BET, but I've never caught any bass out of the BET, the stream is awfully small to me to hold a bass population, maybe you have the BET mistaken as a bass stream? Maybe not, I dont know.