Back up set up



Active member
Oct 27, 2017
Getting ready for steelhead for the first time and putting a back up rig together. What’s a good 6wt line that won’t break the bank? Looking at Cortland 444 or Orvis Clearwater line. Any other options for less than $70? Looking for something I can use for SH if needed, but work down here for trout, too

Getting ready for steelhead for the first time and putting a back up rig together. What’s a good 6wt line that won’t break the bank? Looking at Cortland 444 or Orvis Clearwater line. Any other options for less than $70? Looking for something I can use for SH if needed, but work down here for trout, too

Dear Steve,

Sierra Trading Post has SA WF6 Mastery fly line for $ 35.00 right now. They also have it in 4 or 5 weight WF as well if you are interested.


Tim Murphy :)
Orvis Clearwater or Rio Mainstream are fine, especially for a backup rig. They aren't something I'd put on my main setup, but I use them for salmon and steelhead once or twice a year no issue.

Edit: IMO most modern lines are fine as long as you stay within the known brands, I wouldn't go buying line off amazon but I know people who do and say it's fine.
It's been too long since I've fished Erie but I wouldn't worry about the line too much. Any floating line is going to work for the short casts with bobbers you'll need there. If you're fishing bigger water (NY?), maybe line would be important.

For a back up to rig where line isn't critical anyway, I'd go cheap. I've actually had good performance from Maxcatch ECO lines.
Orvis Clearwater or Rio Mainstream are fine, especially for a backup rig. They aren't something I'd put on my main setup, but I use them for salmon and steelhead once or twice a year no issue.

Edit: IMO most modern lines are fine as long as you stay within the known brands, I wouldn't go buying line off amazon but I know people who do and say it's fine.
I’ve heard Amazon line isn’t awful. I recently bought an old fiberglass rod for bluegill (bait rod for catfish), but am yet to find a nice old reel. Once I do I’m going to buy some Amazon line and give it a shot.
i tired of all the line hype. I use Cortland 444 on almost every rod, regardless of fish or type of fishing.
Im a huge fan of 444.
The peach, sylk and spring creek series are all very good lines.
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Dear Steve,

Sierra Trading Post has SA WF6 Mastery fly line for $ 35.00 right now. They also have it in 4 or 5 weight WF as well if you are interested.


Tim Murphy :)
That is good line for a back up. Would be good on any larger streams for throwing streamers.
What streams are you fishing? Also how are you fishing?
Will be the first time up there. I know Elk is on the list but may head up and hit a couple of the mile creeks. Streamers and indicators are what I plan to fish

I feel like I'm starting a fight by saying this: look at the Maxcatch lines. $75 will get you any three you want. Over the years I've spent A LOT of money on SA, Rio, Barrio, and cortland lines. I like everyone of them . . . I just don't think I'm doing that any more.
I feel like I'm starting a fight by saying this: look at the Maxcatch lines. $75 will get you any three you want. Over the years I've spent A LOT of money on SA, Rio, Barrio, and cortland lines. I like everyone of them . . . I just don't think I'm doing that any more.
Dear Jeffroey,

I'm not about to argue with you. I have a couple of Maxcatch lines and find them to be very fishable. You certainly cannot argue with the price. I've never weighed any Maxcatch line but I think they may be on the lower end of the weight range with heavier lines such as 7 and 8 weight. I'd rather pay $ 20.00 and work a little harder than pay $ 100.00 and have a 9 1/2 weight line on my 8 weight like so many of the modern lines seem to be.


Tim Murphy :)
I’ve been going the other way. Until this summer, the only name brand line I had was Orvis Clearwater on my trout rod. Now, I have a mix of Rio and SA lines on my rods. As much as I hate to spend the money, they just cast better

Will be the first time up there. I know Elk is on the list but may head up and hit a couple of the mile creeks. Streamers and indicators are what I plan to fish

More then likely you will not be casting very far. Elk is the largest but it has very few areas to cast any distance. Also the furthur you cast the less fish you will catch. Chances are there wil be plenty of others fishing and casting any distance will interfer with there fishing. If the water is up then chuck and duck with chartreuse egg paterns and strike indicators will catch fish. In low clar water sight fishing is the way to go. Make sure you have some wolly buggers in different colors. There are dozens of flys that work but just keep trying different paterns and methods to fish them.
Fly lines really do not matter. I have fished for them since 1972 and guided for over 35 years for them. A level line will work fine. However they are as scarce as hens teeth. Next would be a double taper floating line. You get 2 lines for the price of one! You do not need to cast far so no need to spend $$$ on lines. Afer catching a lot of steel your line will start to wear do to the friction of your guides from fighting the fish.
I have bought many brands and received many free lines to try and the cortland 444 is as good as I need. They were the first to manufactor modern flyline. I got to tour there factory 3 years ago and enjoyed my day. It is good to buy American made.
I forgot. It is important to clean you line on a regular basis. Also use some type of line dressing on it. I know there are a few lines that do not recomed dressing but I do not purchase them anymore.
I forgot. It is important to clean you line on a regular basis. Also use some type of line dressing on it. I know there are a few lines that do not recomed dressing but I do not purchase them anymore.
Dear Old Town,

I probably have a 1/2 pound of the old Cortland line cleaning pads that you used to get with every fly line. I use one frequently during the course of a long day. It only takes 30 seconds to clean your line!

I always try to find NIB Cortland 444 lines when I need to replace a critical line. Not many shops seem to carry Cortland lines anymore, but they are easy to find on the web. I have 444SL, Lazer, Peach and Bass lines and I love them all for being true to their line size and weight.

I also miss living in Upstate NY. I could always swing by the Cortland Factory Store and pick up a couple of fly lines or 500 yards of backing for pennies on the dollar. Times were good back then!


Tim Murphy :)
Thanks for all the comments. After I posted this I remembered I had a 6wt Shadow line that wasn’t being used for anything. Spooled that up and tried it out tonight. Not a long distance line, but it’ll serve the purpose.
