

Sep 9, 2006
I am sure that it has been discussed 1000 times but how do you upload an avatar? I can not do it. It always says that my photo's are too large. How do I shrink a photo down?
Ryan, to shrink, you need to open the photo in some sort of photo editing software and then look for a menu item for "resample" or "resize" usually on the "edit" or "image" menu at the top of the software. If you can't figure it out, e-mail me the photo and I'll resize it and send it back to you.
Also, try to change the file format to .gif or .jpg.

If it's a bmp there's no way it'll fit.
Yes, Jay makes a good point. There are two limitations apparently, no larger in display dimensions than 150x150 pixels and no bigger than 350kB in file size. As Jay suggests, a jpg and gif of 150x150 or less will always fit the file size parameter, but maybe not with BMP.

PS, just ran a quick experiment and it seems that even in bmp format the 150x150 limitation may be all you need to worry about.