Atomic rock worm tying video

Man there's some uptight people in here, shame really.

Nice fly Utah, I like your video's. Very simple.
Nice vid there utah, one tidbit of info---take your thumb nail and run down the opposite side of the mylar with a little pressure and it will lay straight and keep the curling out of the way.. Also different colored thread under it will change the color/shade of the mylar. I use the mylar for a lot of my caddis patterns..
Thanks sandfly, I also alter colors with thread and mylar. I like to do pearl with florescent orange. Its a great end result color for rainbows.

I do the same kind of thing with miracle nymphs. Opal and holographic mylar, make for some great highly effective miracle nymphs.

effective miracle nymphs???

Do you got some pictures of these JOhnny?

I'm trying to see what you call a miracle nymph. Since i see that pattern name has many patterns and they don't even look the same. Or is it just me?
Zip I do a video of the miracle nymph. Thats one im referring to.