Arway on bass in the Susky

So many little things that when all combined the bass are struggling. I doubt they ever find the exact cause for the downfall, because one thing probably compounded a potential problem that's been lurking for years.

And as a guy who is getting more involved with bass fishing, both spin and fly, I'm concerned.
Start with fixing failing wastewater treatment plants and addressing farm runoff. That should keep us busy for 20 yrs or so.
Tune in for more chin music.
Estrogen from urine.
foxtrapper1972 wrote:
Start with fixing failing wastewater treatment plants and addressing farm runoff. That should keep us busy for 20 yrs or so.

Fixing the ailing plants would help but probably not as much as you might think. Even non failing plants, up-to-date are not set up to remove the multitude of chemicals that are being taken by people everyday with prescription drugs. I think these chemicals are doing far more damage than farm runoff.
I give Executive Director John Arway high marks for trying to gain support to study and initiate some action to help improve (save?) the SMB fishing in the Susky. No much has been done thus far because the cries of anglers and Mr. Arway have fallen on the deaf ears of the DEP.
As someone who spreads manure, the DEP puts a limit on the gallons per acre I spread where (less near streams) and I have to log it.
Once that acreage is covered with its set gallons/acre (flow rate of the tank versus ground speed) that area can't have more manure spread for a set period of time.
The DEP is probably really monitoring all those logbooks and checking that they match the reality of what is spread. (HaHA!)

I wonder why the farmers around here(in the river hills) get very active spreading manure on frozen ground and right before a big rain is coming? And especially they love those steep areas along the ditches and small streams. Oh that's right they are enriching the soil with liquid manure. (HA!)

And let's get some guys who have commodified fishing and the head of the fish comm together to TALK some more. What a joke!

I feel so much better knowing they care.
salvelinus wrote:

Short version: There will be a discussion with Arway this Sunday at 4pm on PCN channel followed by a round table discussion of the Susky.
AG waste is a problem but I think mfg waste is more urgent an issue and getting the DER EPA to enforce,fine and shut down these people is another issue. Fishing clubs, eco orgs and the like have been trying for over a decade. The last I heard the EPA said they didn't have enough people to do their jobs!!!!!!!! The great lakes is another eco disaster the 2 feet of snot on the bottom of the lakes is not mother natures doing, add in the Asian carp and we may not have them as we know them in 50 years.