Article on fees and revenue for the PAFB commission

I share troutbert's perspective on this.

The legislature's hostility to the PFBC is a mystery to me. In the case of the Game Commission, we know that legistlators have been hearing from angry constituents for years about lack of deer etc. and that this forms the main thread running through funding issues with the PGC.

I'm not aware, however, of any such large scale and coherent protest by the state's anglers. The umbrage at Arway followed Arway's threat to close hatcheries in districts....which was itself a protest against the long running failure to raise license fees. No, this problem predates Arway's tenure and his issues with the legislature are but a symptom of the problem, not the cause.

The issue of the state government trying to starve the PFBC to prevent further listing of wild trout streams seems plausible to me too...although I'd add that I'd need a lot more evidence to consider this as probable.

The stubborn refusal to grant a license fee increase to PFBC really seems strange and unecessary to me.
It's like talking to yourself around here.