Article about Guiding



Staff member
Sep 11, 2006
Chester County, PA
Interesting read from Hatch Magazine >

"...we tend to fixate on weird things—waterproof pants, genetically engineered chicken feathers, even the archaic Latin names of aquatic insects—and we think nothing of standing in the water for hours, through all kinds of nasty weather, trying to tempt our quarry into eating something it shouldn't. Then, on those occasions when we're actually successful, we turn around and let the little buggers go.

You might as well face it. Despite our protestations to the contrary, we're not poster children for normal behavior."

Hahah. True.
Nice article. I'd agree that way too many folks show up with the expectation of catching nothing but giant fish....and a ton of them too. Not realistic at all. Those days happen from time to time but they are rare.

Also, it's mind boggling how many show up and say 'Its my first time doing this'. I practiced casting daily in the yard for almost a year before I ever went fishing. I also read ever article about the sport I could find... trying to understand as much as I could BEFORE I even tried to fish. That might be why I caught 7 fish my very first time fly fishing.

Nothing brightens your day more than scanning the bank for a rising fish only to have a knotted up leader / fly enter your field of vision. After the line bounces off your hat brim, cheek and then gets hooked in your shirt pocket, you look up to see the angler facing you. "This isn't floating right. Can you put more floatant on it?". LoL. Looking back, it is actually pretty funny.
