Apps for iPhone

  • Thread starter Flyfishmedic732
  • Start date


May 11, 2011
I was curious if there are any Apps that may help with uploading photos to the site from my iPhone? And if there are any good apps that could be used for fishing as well like stream maps or hatch charts?
I use c:geo on android for finding access to native streams sometimes. Some locations are in reference to "fishing" or "trout" It's made for geo caching but it'll get you to the water. I don't know if it's on IOS.

I know this isnt what your specifically asking for, but I downloaded "iflyfishing lite". It's a fly fishing game, I don't play it but my 5 year old boy loves it. He had no interest in FF before that. Now he cant wait to go.
imgur uploader app for iPhone works great for uploading photos. You pick the photo you want and gives you a unique URL for each photo, plus it's free.
they make a photobucket app for the iphone, you can choose to have a photo uploaded to it as soon as you snap the photo then go in and copy the url
Marvin, I just found that on the photobucket site!!!! Looks pretty easy to use (which8 is a bonus for a not-so-techsavy guy like myself LOL)
My favorite app is the fish head app it has all the stream and weather info for all your favorite streams
I just got converted to the iPhone myself. Any other recommended apps? Fly Tyer (app) seems pretty useful, I might buy the full version
I create my own "apps" that link to the USGS stream flow charts for my favorite streams.
I have their sites as well as this one bookmarked. Also the PFBC, you can click on the upstream and downstream limits on their site of streams and copy and paste them right into the navi system on your iphone.
River Data has all available usgs locations. You can search by state than save your favorites.