
I would think so. I see Flagler using them in his tying demos. Where did you get that bottle?
I use a bodkin and Sallys or Loon water based cement from the bottle.
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I would think after owning one or 2 due to thin gauge of needle it would clog. I keep a can of acetone out in shed for such occasions.
I have a bodkin I dip and clean when I'm done. It's just what I've always used.

This is what I do, too. But I kinda suck at it. I'm also using stock Hard as Nails bottles, so this requires removing and placing the brush/cap to the side.

When I see YouTube tyers use the applicator, it looks so much tidier. I guess they're cheap enough to just grab one and find out, but I'll be more inclined to do so if I see one in a shop in person rather than online
I tried one of these dispensers and the head cement thickened and dried up quickly in the bottle. Did not work well for me.

Ditto for me as well.

I use a variation of one of these except I don't use the cap.

I take the cap with the hole in it off and just use the needle and the plastic cone inside as a cap over my head cement bottle when I'm tying flies which is better than leaving the bottle completely open or screwing and unscrewing a cap.

When I'm not tying, I re-seal the bottle with another cap & seal with no hole. The bottle size & caps are pretty standard for head cement so I just use the cap from my regular head cement. If you use Hard as Nails you would just need a spare cap of the correct size.

I've been using this system for a long time after trying one of those applicator bottles, the sexy but equally ineffective aluminum Dyna-King Cement Reservoir and nothing but an open bottle and a dubbing needle.

Bottom line, any system with a tube or a needle and a cap with a hole where air can get in allows evaporation. That's why I don't use the Renzetti bottles as intended.
I’ve been using this bottle with Sally Hansens for years without issue.
just trim the brush in the sally hansen bottle you already have

haven't gone back since I started using this stuff . Just coat the thread before you tie off the head
