anyone with New Zealand experience?



Feb 10, 2014
The planets and stars must have finally aligned and I have the good fortune to visit New Zealand In January 2017. I may also need a winning Powerball number to pull this off but I'll get a paper route if necessary. I will be in the Northland area and 6 hours away from lake Rotorua so I am hoping to find some good options near where we will be staying in Russell. If you have been to New Zealand for trout fishingI would apprciate any insights you can provide. Check these sites.
I' can't help with the North Island as I have yet to fish there. There maybe a book on that area as there is one on The South Island by John Kent. GG
Thanks Gulf Greyhound. There is some good info online and books available. I am in the process of collecting this info. Sounds like you have fished south island. I won't be able to this trip but its on the bucket list for sure. Thanks again.
No problem. IF YOU CAN I GET A GUIDE FOR A DAY. That second site has lists of those avaliable in each area. It's well worth the $ . The Kiwi's are great people. Best beer in the world is in New Zealand. GG
Thanks GGH. This may be the trip I do use a guide its too long a flight to waste time with learning curve. Good news about the beer. On a visit to Australia some time ago I discovered Victoria Bitter. If NZ beer is in the same class I may be joing the expats. Thanks again.