Anyone up for joining a novice after Christmas?



New member
Jan 18, 2011
Hi gang,

I have the good fortune of having several days off between Christmas and New Year's and have thankfully carved out some time to hit the water for a bit. I can really benefit from the advice from of someone much more seasoned than myself, so if anyone is free during the late morning/early afternoon of 12/29, I'd be glad to meet your acquaintance. I live near Williams Grove so was looking to stay close and hit the Breeches.

PM me if you are interested and wouldn't mind wearing your teaching cap for a few hours.

I live very close to you. Im not available on the 29th. But we can shoot for another day if you want. Shoot me a pm
I'm a novice in Middletown. Will check my schedule.
I might be around then. Shoot me a PM closer to the date and I'll see if I can get out.
Thanks, guys. Steve and Klingy, I'll be in touch.