Anyone tie at work?



Jun 8, 2011
Interested to see if anyone ties at work? I have my vise sitting on desk right now waiting for my lunch break. Time is kinda limited at home these days and an hour during the day with no interruptions I can get a lot done. It's also a really great way not think about work for an hour!
I tried during a slow period at work. That went over like a fart in church.

Bossman wasnt happy...
J55tyger88 wrote:
I tried during a slow period at work. That went over like a fart in church.

Bossman wasnt happy...

^ I bet his wasn't.

Yea. I do it 1-2 times a year when certain flies are getting low and time at the house is spent with other activities. I tied during breaks and lunch so the boss wouldn't have reason to say anything. I always prepared my feathers, dubbing, hooks, etc..prior to breaks so my time was maximized.

Great conversation piece with people walking past my office. Found a fair number of FF'ers in the company I wasn't aware of.
I work at work

no time for tying
Once in a blue moon when work really slows down,But every time I bring in my gear work seems to pick up.
every day, or at least 3 times a week depending if I am open or not. right now everyday !!
I cant do it anymore but I have tied at work. I used to work certain posts and shifts where I was able to. Some nights, I used to get 5 or 6 dozen dries tied. working 3 months on the same post, I filled up some fly boxes. I remember I got 200 eggs patterns done in one night right before a trip to erie. I know some of you wish you had my job but you don't want it. trust me.
I'm able to tie during my slow periods at work. An advantage of working the evening shift
sandfly wrote:
every day, or at least 3 times a week depending if I am open or not. right now everyday !!
Bob doesn't count! it's what he does 24/7 probably ties in his sleep :-D
I don't like to tie if I can't dedicate a block of time, so I never even considered trying to tie at work.
lv2nymph wrote:
sandfly wrote:
every day, or at least 3 times a week depending if I am open or not. right now everyday !!
Bob doesn't count! it's what he does 24/7 probably ties in his sleep :-D

Sometimes he takes a break from the vise to fish.
I'm a truck driver and I kept a vise and basic tools in the truck to use on my down time. I only brought material for flies I decided ahead of time to work on.

My last route was night shift pick up and delivery and home days so I didn't bother because there was no time.

When I get back to work (I'm out because I broke my arm) I'll probably do a trip to NC once a week and bring the spare vise.
Cathy, sorry to hear about your arm. :-( I hope it heals well for you. As far as tying flies, it does not surprise me one bit that you would take your tying stuff on the road with you. :)
I'm still so slow at the vise that trying to tie over lunch wouldn't work for me. Not to mention the number of lunch time interruptions of "I know its your lunch, but I just have a quick question......"

Maybe when I pick up a little more speed, I'll reconsider.
I go home for lunch most days. If I have an idea for a fly I try to draw it and write down the materials. When I go home for lunch I'll try to whip one out.
I went to the Pharmacy to pick up a script and my Pharmacist had his Vice on the desk ready to tie haha
I've tied at work before on lunch break. Only when I have a question about a procedure, and I need my buddy to explain.

I do take my materials with when I go on the road with the military. It gives me something to do, and I can stock up on patterns that are low. I have far too many flies, I will never use all of them.

I tie on my lunch break. LOL classic when I tie buggers and there are marabou floating around.
On trips when I have time during the evenings at a hotel. Makes me wonder though how many are monitoring and commenting this message board during work.