Anyone target Snakeheads

Fredrick wrote:

That is a different species than what we have in PA.

I do sneak up on them and I just can't them to eat. It could be because the fish are heavily pressured. Hopefully I figure it out one day. Im hoping to find an ignorant population of snakeheads that hasn't seen a million lures.
That's interesting, as they're always portrayed as "voracious killing machines" by anything I've read about them. I'd love to chase them someday. They need better marketing as a sport fish.
Anglers catching snakeheads should dispose of them properly. Anglers suspecting they have caught a snakehead are encouraged to NOT release it, and report it to the Commission at 610-847-2442 or via email.

I'm gonna be in tailand for a month in August and was looking at snakehead flys. They got some gaints there