Anyone restore bamboo rods?



Sep 11, 2006
I am in search of someone to replace guides and ferrules on a bamboo rod that was gifted to me. It has no markings on it, so I am not sure of the maker. With that being said, I am not sure I want to invest a ton of money into the rod. I was wondering if anyone on the forum would be interested in replacing the ferrules and guides. The second rod segment is also warped and if there is a relatively inexpensive way to heat the blank/straighten, I would be interested in that also. I am in the Altoona region, but could certain send the rod through mail. It has a beautiful flamed blank but is currently not fishable due to the metal corrosion/rust. I would also consider getting a new rod made from the blank, but my guess is that it is not a very valuable bamboo blank. Send me a "private message" if anyone is interested or able to do this. I was hoping to spend between $100-200 to get it in fishable condition. Thanks.
I know a guy in Belleville that can do it, but I don't know if he's still repairing rods. I'll see if I can find out.
Check out Art Weiler rods. I had a rod that had mold on it and he brought it back to life. He is a real craftsman. And very reasonable $. He is in Pa. Good luck.
Check Wyatt Dietrick in Cumberland. He makes them and I think he would be amenable to fixing one. He's honest and good craftsman. He has a website. Check "Dream Catcher Fly Rods"

Wyatt is is Chambersburg if that makes any difference. You might want to go over to the Classic Flyrod Forum. If you most some detaled picks of your rod the folks there can provide you some info that might help your decide what you have and what you may need to do to restore it to fishable shape.. You will also find many guys that can restore the rod if you chose to...

Bill A
I talked to John this morning and I sent you a PM
I've done a few before and would do it for next to nothing if I had the time. Basically my cost plus a case of domestic beer. But there would be no guarantees.

If you are "replacing" the guides, the rod will need to be stripped to do it right. For most rod guys who do this professionally, it might be out of your specified budget.

Most of what I have done is either minor repair, or complete rebuild. Notice I didn't say restore. Rebuild is easier because you make it the way you want. Most old rods were made for silk fly lines and have small guides and not many of them. On rebuilds for myself, I would normally use new larger guides and more of them to accommodate modern line.

I do however have "some" new old stock winding thread if you are talking true restore.

On the other hand, I and several others on here could give advice if you chose to take this assignment yourself.;-)

How's the cork and reel seat?

Pictures? Even without a label, we might be able to help you identify it if it is a production rod.

Closeups of reel seat, handle, and especially existing ferules would help with that. It would be a start.
You should be able to do the work yourself. If not it is about 100 to 150 dollars per section depending on the work. Normally they will take out any sets when the rod is re-wrapped and re-varnished. If I had time I would just do it for you but my plate is full and has been for some time. Especially for an Altoona person originally from Ashville. Joe E
Regarding Wyatt, I believe that he advertises that he fixes rods to a "fishable condition". Not sure if that's up to date or not.

eh, decided to just add the wording from his website.

"Our goal is to refurbish fishing tackle to fishable condition. Modern glues and varnishes will be used to make a sound fishing instrument. We are not currently offering restoration services. Historically significant rods, requiring restoration should not be sent for refurbishing.

Clear wraps will be used to make individual wrap repairs. This will ensure that unsightly mismatched wraps are not apparent on each rod. Such a wrap would attract the eye, where a clear wrap will need closer inspection to detect. A "memory stick" is available to show the silks available for complete re-wrapping of the entire rod. The silk has been varnished so you will be able to see the finish color that will be on your rod. Customer provided spools of silk are welcomed. A "test wrap" will be varnished to ensure you will appreciate the final color before it is used on your rod."
Tim Zietak is in Pittsburgh.

He builds, restores and does repairs.

Good Luck!