Anyone out with Fly Rod?



Active member
Dec 14, 2008
Was on Yellow Breeches and was undergunnedwith a 5 weight. Water was up, slightly stained, cold and moving fast. It was duck and chuck with a tungsten bead head bugger and 2-3 split shot. Lost one nice fish and foulhooked a small rainbow with a dropper, which I of course released.

Really lousy fishing and one of the worst opening days I have experienced. Only saw about 12 fish caught. Hundreds out, one of the biggest turnouts I have seen at this spot.

It was just stocked yesterday and the fish may of still been carsick.

Now the real fishing can begin.
Went to WB Conestoga near my house to sound the opening day siren. Fished spinning tackle. Caught and released 3 fresh Bows on the first 3 casts before the rest of the bucket put into the pool I was at figured it out. 4th cast a big Brown chased lazily, then the pool went silent. Good crowd out, every decent hole was occupied. Was home washing cars by 9:00.
I wish. I'm on the DL again. I think I could catch some fish if....

To you young guys: Being old sucks. Something's always going wrong. My month of March, which in the past has often been a fine fishing month, has seen me sitting at home with various aliments most of the month. I'm now sitting on a freaking donut.

Anyhow, if you have the time, no matter what the stream conditions, get out there and fish. Have fun.
Great day fishing. Just not catching. Big crowds but I didn’t see a lot of fish caught.
I didn't go fishing today. I am doing my best to take care of my 81 year old mother who really can't hear but doesn't want to wear her hearing aides.

In addition to that challenge, I am also taking care of her two dogs that she rescued from an animal shelter, which I am convinced were originally someone else's problem and why they ended up in a shelter in the first place. I am not complaining, just explaining.

I life was easy, anybody else could do it. I do my best.

My mother wanted me to take her to the AQS(American Quilting Show) at the Lancaster Convention Center, which I did. A lot of beautiful quilts and impressive and complicated machinery that the Amish women here in Lancaster County as well as upper mid-west states like Iowa, Indiana, Ohio, etc. know how to use.

I am just glad that my mother wanted to get out of the house. She was more than overwhelmed by how many people were there and we didn't stay very long. I am just glad that she wanted to get out of the house and do something.

My sister will give me a break for the opening day of trout season in the remaining states two weeks from now and I will be fly fishing.
Letort wrote:
Was on Yellow Breeches and was undergunnedwith a 5 weight. Water was up, slightly stained, cold and moving fast.

I walked around Breeches at Boiling Springs and Children's Lake (didn't fish - just took things in, snarfed hot dogs, and chatted with friends). The creek is definitely pushing and is still well over 600cfs this afternoon. Although I didn't fish in the morning, I did hit a couple different creeks later in the afternoon and got two small wilds and three stocked bows, with one at about 16 inches.

I agree - lots of fishermen; lots of kids too. With the nice weather, I think this is probably one of the busiest opening days in my neck of the woods in awhile.

RRT: get well soon.
Worked the MCTU foodstand at Muddy Creek Forks. I wouldn’t know when there was a larger crowd. Creek is in good shape. Trout being caught in the main stem and the branches from the reports I got and from what I saw. Lot’s parents with their kids out. Good to see that.
Was out for a couple of hours this morning. Landed a few stocked bows and enjoyed the nice weather. Flows here were pretty good (French Creek, Chester County). I drove around after fishing and as others mentioned there were plenty of kids out with their dads (and a few moms) which was nice to see. All in all a great day in PA!
Went to Lizard Creek in Ashfield this morning and caught 4. Below is the biggest one, a nice rainbow. Funny cause a huge golden was chasing my fly when out of no where this rainbow attacked it and the fight was on. Tonight I caught this sweet Tiger up here in the Poconos at a place that will remain nameless for now. and yes, my hands were wet even though I did take the rainbow home for dinner. It was the only one I kept.

Tight Lines !!



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Fished the Jordan early afternoon. The creek was mobbed and I couldn't fish a lot of the prime spots. I had rotator cuff surgery 5 wks. ago and so couldn't fish the way I wanted to, that is upstream nymphing because of the constant casting and mending.

So I drifted some buggers downstream. Caught 4 rainbows, broke one off and missed a few others. All in all good to get out on a warm day.
Looking forward to the rest of the season.
Swattie87 wrote:
Went to WB Conestoga near my house to sound the opening day siren. Fished spinning tackle. Caught and released 3 fresh Bows on the first 3 casts before the rest of the bucket put into the pool I was at figured it out. 4th cast a big Brown chased lazily, then the pool went silent. Good crowd out, every decent hole was occupied. Was home washing cars by 9:00. know this is a fly fishing site!!! Sorry Swattie, I couldn't resist. :pint:
Out4trout, that's a pretty looking tiger, nice find, etc based on the size I'm assuming stocked? Either way really cool.
Went to Darby Creek for old times sake 'cause I was in the vicinity.

The place was all but deserted when I arrived at 1:00 pm except for one or two anglers. (I assume that wasn't the case at the opening bell.)

Water was at a good level. I started at around 1:30 and fished about 45 minutes in two holes with a Beadhead Prince on a Tenkara rod and got one rainbow just before I left.

It was fun but BOY am I glad that kind of urban stocked fishing is not what I have where I live!!


You did the right thing. I remember the things I did with my dad when he was going downhill, especially mornings listening for gobblers. He filmed with a video camera and gave me "pointed" instructions about getting my truck lined up so he could film. It's been 10 years on April 9, and I miss him. Listening for gobblers is not the same.

Dave: Thank you. I will work at it. For my age, I guess I've been spoiled with fewer problems than most. (I know where there are probably BWOs right now, but I would not want to slip and fall on my butt.)

Guys who got out: It looks like you had fun and a nice day.
The opener for the west and northern PA is not for another week or so- probably sound strange but a fairly large portion of this area has not gotten much rain and is on the low side. Good conditions for now.

I was out 3 days last week. Monday (water was higher and saw more bugs on water with a few scant rises) and Thursday and Friday.

Thursday I hit a decent olive hatch and got into some quality fish- think some the bigger fish I was able to catch cause they really hadn’t been fished over yet cause of the high water.

The olives came off like they do in spurts for an hour maybe two. A good 10 fish were rising on the edges of the fast water and they took the bwo emerger very well. Thursday I was pretty thrilled cause of risers and the size to several of the fish.

So Friday I fished another stream or two in the morning then went back to the same run as Thursday’s success and to my bewilderment nothing happened. I mean really how does that happen?? Almost identical conditions and almost no bugs hatched- which meant barely any risers. There were a few but I think Friday they were taking midges or at least that what I was able to land a couple smaller fish on. Fly fishing is funny- can never telll.
Forgot to mention that two kayaks came through about 8:30 on the Yellow Breeches. Their occupants got to meet lots of new folks.
I hit French Creek close to home for a few hours late morning to early afternoon. My wife joined me just to walk the dog along the creek and enjoy the day.

The water was clear and a little higher than the normal flow, but I would consider it in near perfect shape for fishing. The weather couldn't have been better for opener with partial sunshine and temps in the low 70's. There were some early brown stones about but no rises from the stockies.

It was fairly crowded, but maybe thinner crowds than normal. Most anglers were gone by early afternoon. I caught a decent amount of fish, all rainbows, mostly on buggers and saw some fish caught by other anglers. Surprisingly, a lot of fish were caught by the FFing anglers.

A great day to be out!
I fished hay creek for a bit later in the day, wasn't planning on going out but I found myself bored and headed out for a few hours. Fish were pretty over it by the time I got there, they were deep and weren't moving for anything. I did catch a small bow and missed a couple but for the most part it seemed like the fish were in shock.
I fished the Savage yesterday, and tried to stay away from the opening day crowds. It only worked in part, as there were many groups of anglers on the lower river. I was able to hike away from most of the pressure.

The fishing was solid. The stream temps reached into the mid 40s and the fish responded by moving out of the slower winter lies, into the current breaks and better holding water. The hatches were muted compared to last week, with only a few stoneflies (size 18- black) on the rocks along with some midge clusters. I did not see any mayflies, and watching the slower holes did not reveal many rising trout.

I took over a dozen fishing the pockets with a stonefly dry and a Frenchie dropper. About 80 percent of the fish came on the dropper. I had two solid trout come to hand. A 17 inch male, which took the Frenchie in a pocket near the head of riffle, and a 16 inch slimmer female, which took the stonefly dry in a deep trough right off the bank.


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afishinado wrote:
I hit French Creek close to home for a few hours late morning to early afternoon. My wife joined me just to walk the dog along the creek and enjoy the day.

The water was clear and a little higher than the normal flow, but I would consider it in near perfect shape for fishing. The weather couldn't have been better for opener with partial sunshine and temps in the low 70's. There were some early brown stones about but no rises from the stockies.

It was fairly crowded, but maybe thinner crowds than normal. Most anglers were gone by early afternoon. I caught a decent amount of fish, all rainbows, mostly on buggers and saw some fish caught by other anglers. Surprisingly, a lot of fish were caught by the FFing anglers.

A great day to be out!

I was out with the little man we gave a clinic to the gear guys . Took us sometime to find a were there was some fish that wasn't to crowded once we did it was game on 9 fish kept 3 in 25 minutes for the little man we left them biting, he got snagged on a tree snapped it of then we went up to the car and started up the grill for the shore lunch . Always fun to watch the spin rod guys slowly creep over when they see us catching and they are always in amassment that its being done on a fly rod .
Fredrick wrote:
afishinado wrote:
I hit French Creek close to home for a few hours late morning to early afternoon. My wife joined me just to walk the dog along the creek and enjoy the day.

The water was clear and a little higher than the normal flow, but I would consider it in near perfect shape for fishing. The weather couldn't have been better for opener with partial sunshine and temps in the low 70's. There were some early brown stones about but no rises from the stockies.

It was fairly crowded, but maybe thinner crowds than normal. Most anglers were gone by early afternoon. I caught a decent amount of fish, all rainbows, mostly on buggers and saw some fish caught by other anglers. Surprisingly, a lot of fish were caught by the FFing anglers.

A great day to be out!

I was out with the little man we gave a clinic to the gear guys . Took us sometime to find a were there was some fish that wasn't to crowded once we did it was game on 9 fish kept 3 in 25 minutes for the little man we left them biting, he got snagged on a tree snapped it of then we went up to the car and started up the grill for the shore lunch . Always fun to watch the spin rod guys slowly creep over when they see us catching and they are always in amassment that its being done on a fly rod .

Nice Fred!! I remember fishing with my Dad and Uncles when I was that age. Your son will remember the day for the rest of his life. You're a good Dad.
Good stuff!!