Anyone notice the flash flooding near cedar?

Nice pics Sandfly. Agree, that stream is still pretty low. The pool in your pic gave up an 8 incher when I was there last. Some good color in those Brookies already.
I'm seeing around 2 inches which is pretty good. Now we need some more.
Thanks for the link with the pictures. The blog is great, I read it all. At the bottom is a picture of bear that came out of the woods to watch a Medi-Vac helicopter.
I've driven along Dixie Run and I can't believe it was ever a Class A brookie stream in my lifetime. It's channelized from the headwaters down to the mouth at Babb Creek. It may be, but the floods are caused by the channelization not the other way around.
The stream is a wreck constructed by whoever channelized it.
As for Babb, I've don't usually see the water muddy and I've crossed the creek quite a few times going to camp.