Anyone know this dude?



Nov 17, 2014

A lot of controversy surrounding this dude on another forum I belong to. Supposedly this dude hangs out on the South Holston River in TN and all these huge mama browns he is holding up are being caught by less than ethical means.

I know some of the people who have seen this dude in action, they claim he is snagging them off the redd and fishing mostly at night. I have no issue with night fishing when and where it is legal. On the other hand, they also say he throws them in a pool he creates on the banks until he can get a good photo at daylight.

Apparently there were many pics of this dude on the Orvis facebook page which they have since removed.

He has also closed and reopened his facebook page after editing comments that led many people to call him on his actions.

Here is the other forum thread on this dude,12905.0.html

Good Ol' Wonnie. He once threatened to call the FBI on me. Lol He is a few french fries short of a happy meal.

so you know these tales to be true as well? Some close friends are telling me this is not made up.

I have stayed out of the fray because I don't know the dude. I have no issues with night fishing, when it is legal. I don't get too fired up about people fishing the redd but snagging?

that's a real jagoff if true.
I don't know him. I know of him and his exploits. I have no idea if any of it is true. Fishing redds is not illegal. It is unethical. Snagging is illegal though. The thing that really gets me is him snagging the fish at night and culling them till the morning to take pictures.

Again, I have no first hand knowledge if any of this is true. He did admit to a bunch of stuff on his FB page. I do not follow him, but have seen screen shots. He has since deleted everything.

He used to highly brag about landing all his fish on Orvis 6x. All of his gear was Orvis. It was the best gear ever. Best company ect. Since they removed his photo's from their site he has gone on the bashing spree says it is all the shittiest equipment.

It really is pure gold reading.
supposedly he had Orvis pro deal and has since been cut from it.

It doesn't count unless you've got points or pictures, anyone fishing Pickering today?
The word is definitely spreading on social media...........was wondering when a thread would pop up on here. Sickening
What a hunk of schitt. Someone will tune him up one night.
krayfish2 wrote:
What a hunk of schitt. Someone will tune him up one night.

I am hearing that is under consideration. I don't know him and I have only fished the SoHo twice. It has a dedicated following that is seriously pistoff right now.
FB page seems to be down again...
You note that you are ok with night fishing when it is legal. When is it illegal in NC or TN? Time of year? On certain streams?

Social media is like the fog of war- not everything you hear or see is real. But since it has been posted on at least two forums, it must be true :)
Oh boy I know Ronnie.... the orvis thing makes sense...

I've been MIA since spring from this page but it was just brought to my attention some of you are looking for info on this guy...

here is a screenshot of what he sent me the other night...

As some know on here, I make custom fly rods..

Take this for what it's worth....
Nymphing assanition stick. I think Sage is already has dibs on that name.
I didn't write it lol.. critique the trout pro

and in a controversial measure like this... no attention to my fly rod building business would be better than negative attention.. if you know what I mean...
salmonoid wrote:
You note that you are ok with night fishing when it is legal. When is it illegal in NC or TN? Time of year? On certain streams?

Social media is like the fog of war- not everything you hear or see is real. But since it has been posted on at least two forums, it must be true :)

Night fishing is legal in NC. I have not fished TN very much but I am pretty sure it is legal there too. That said I am okay with it.

I think there are other states differ on this. I don't fish at night because I can't see worth a damn in daylight. My reference is more in line with I do what is legal period.

Agree on the "it has to be true because it is on the internet" comment. That's why I started the thread to see what if anything is known about this dude on this forum.

As I mentioned earlier, I know some of those dudes on BRFFF who have seen him in action. They have no reason to lie.

SlingerFlyRods wrote:
I didn't write it lol.. critique the trout pro

no no. I was referencing what he typed. not you.
I hate the internet sometimes....

I never understand things correctly... sorry
"What a hunk of schitt. Someone will tune him up one night."

Yeah these forums should be judge, jury and executioner... Are you kidding me?

If someone has proof that this guy did something then take it to the fish warden otherwise it's just the usual social media jealous gossip.

Believe it or not there are some people who actually can catch big fish legally.
God I wish I would have screen shot the screen shots I saw. He admitted everything. Then took down his site. Deleted everything, put it back up, couldn't keep up with the negative comments, so he took it back down.

I just find the whole thing to be a good read.
Then he started posting picks of big hens dropping eggs. Nice. I saw those pics with my own eyes. He AT LEAST fished over actively spawning trout. I don't know about the "mud holes" or the "snagging", but others who seem of sane mind seem sure of it. Not sure why jealousy would be an issue, but here's one thing I can't figure out. He claimed to be fishing at night, and every one of his pictures was in daylight.