Anyone interested in another fly swap?



Mar 24, 2010
Hey just seeing how much interest there would be in another swap? Just let me know if you are interested and I would also like suggestions on what kind of swap you would like it to be. We will go with the most popular answer.

Let me know and we will get the ball rolling.
i wouldnt mind it maybe a terrestrial swap
Count me in.
I was thinkin the same thing flip! I'd be down for that or just about anything!
I like the terrestrials too...looking good 4 people so far.
im in but how does the process work?
Mike it's pretty simple and I'll throw up some detailed instructions soon but basically you pick a pattern and make as many as there are people participating then everyone will send their flies to me with a return envelope I will divide them up to everyone and return them.
Count the Boss in...

Terrestrials aren't my strongest fly...but it will be a great reason to get better...

Boss Steb
I'm on the fence due to limited time at the bench and worse yet-limited time on the water.

A recommended practice with fly swaps is to tie additional flys for the moderators and Dave for their efforts on the website. I'm sure they'd all say that doing so is not necessary, but it is a simple way to say thanks for their efforts. easy way to show our appreciation.
count me in
If new guys are welcome, I'd be interested. I have participateed in about 4 swaps on

Roy G.
You are more than welcome Roy!
Terrestrials sound good to me. Count me in.
Put up a thread for this--2010 Summer Terrestrial Fly Swap