Anyone hit the salmon river lately?

1400 is no big deal. Id prefer 1400 to 500 at this time of year. I'd focus from the trestle upstream. If the release drops to 500, id try between the staircase and black hole. There are definitely more fish at the upper end of the river. I would never fish fhe dsr but thats another story.
My advise on fishing the Salmon River is make sure you have spikes on your boots,it's too cold to swim in March.
I don't have spikes but I'm very careful when wading because I'm so tall. I can get off balance really easy. I always carry a staff, and I never wade past my knees unless I absolutely have to. It helps having a 12 foot spey rod.
If you need some add on spikes, check this product out. Been dealing with the owner and got a pack myself to add on my boots. I have heard nothing but good things about the product.
I know been meaning to check those out. He just sent me like 20 goathead stickers to give away on my blog. Just gotta get around to it.
If you think you might go to the DSR this time of year, you MUST have some sort of spikes on your boots or they will not let you in.
Anyone been up lately? I know they gotta bunch of rain and it's running a little high now... Any suggestions of where to go other than the main river would be appreciated. Guess it's running around 1200 now and supposed to increase by the time I get there tomorrow night. Not asking for specifics, just possibly a name of a smaller water that might be a little easier to fish.
A town named Orwell
Is close to the main river
Use Google Terrain
Every stream,river,brook and trickle is going to be blown after this rain and warm spell.I fear that if you go it will be impossible to find fishable water.If you try the SR be very carefull,do not wade above your ankles.
'ppreciate the feedback gentlemen. Still gonna make the trip as its a miracle in itself my vacation was approved at work this time of year. If all else fails, we got plenty of beer and Jamison. Either way, no complaints here. Still beats sittin' at a desk all day...
If every damn body of water is blown, head to the inlet in Mexico where the Little Salmon dumps into Lake Ontario. It's about 15 min from Pulaski. Fish right along the bank before the lake starts. There are some big pike in there more than willing to take a bugger. Also, the smaller stuff will clear before the bigger stuff. Check out Trout, Orwell, the Grindstone, etc.