Anyone heave experience with articreel

GG you said "that is how the old timers ROLLED" it's cuz they are dead, Amiright?
Ok so here almost same thing as the first one I postedbut $20

Creel for$20

Ok for the price I'm tempted to order one I'll keep it with my gear in the car and when the mood strikes I can use it.

I would give it a trial run first with water bottles to see how it keeps em cool to drink vs a bottle in my safe passage sling pack.

SBecker wrote:
GG you said "that is how the old timers ROLLED" it's cuz they are dead, Amiright?

Naw, we upgraded to graphite and C&R. Iron City to Heinekin. Hippers to breathables,anon. GG :lol:
A wicker creel with ferns. Now that brings back a lot of memories. My brother and I used just that many years ago. I don't know when the last time I saw anyone with a wicker creel.
Someone has offered me a wicker creel for free.
We got to talking about fly fishing and the creel came up in the conversation. Its old not a collector piece. It does have leather straps so I'm told. I have not seen it yet. I will get it next week.

So I'm going to be that guy. Yep. that guy
