Anyone have a good BWO emerger pattern?



Sep 17, 2006
I am looking for a good BWO emerger pattern. I have been tying a biot pattern for a while but it isn't cutting it these days so I am looking for something new. Thanks.
My favorite one, the pattern that hooked the fish in my avatar, is to use a #18 caddis or pupa hook. Tie a bit of brown z-lon in at the back of the hook right before it bends towards the point, facing down, not out. Use a sparse olive antron dub over amber brown thread, to just before the eye. Tie in 2 tips of CDC facing straight back parralell with the eye. DEADLY and simple, especially in super smooth water when the fish are just pokin' their noses out.

I'll post images next week.

Mine is like my sulphur pattern, listed in a topic below.

Just change the hackle, body and post color. It's pretty universal.
is this one?

I tie a generic emerger for many hatches. Use z-lon for a trailing shuck, body the color of the dun, and use cdc for a loop wing. I tie it on a curved hook, a TMC 2487 or 2488. Attached is an example close to what I tie:
I endorse afishinado's generic emerger pattern. Extremely easy and fast to tie and highly effective. I have used this with a sulfur color, BWO and brown as he has shown. As discussed in another thread, this can be kept floating on the surface and pulled under as a variation. I have, on occasion, even put a split shot on and sunk it deep. I have no idea what it looks like underwater, but have caught fish using them as nymphs in this manner.
I have had great luck by keeping my normal dry fly body, and replacing the wings and hackle with Dun rabbits fur. Sits right down in the water great. Fish take it dead drift on top and on the swing slightly under.