Anyone going to kettle creek This weekend???



Aug 7, 2011
Hey fellow flyers anyone going to be fishing up near cross forks this weekend? Group of us are doing are spring trip up north just seeing I anyone is from the site will be up there?? I you see a group of guys with a big green ford "trout" truck stop and say hi we always have plenty of beer with us and love talking fishing or anything for that matter, especially when the creeks are full of people for opening day.... Tight lines and hope to see some guys up there
I'm up there but on pine, kettle is toooo crowded for the first few days (sometimes whole season)
Didn't see a car in the Kettle FFO area this past weekend... from now on it will be nuts. And if you're in Germania, the Waldheim is open again. They fixed it up pretty nice.
Ill be up there. i usually have no trouble finding water to have to myself. just have to walk
I'll be there!

salvelinus wrote:
Didn't see a car in the Kettle FFO area this past weekend... from now on it will be nuts. And if you're in Germania, the Waldheim is open again. They fixed it up pretty nice.

Then you missed my truck, was there on Thursday. I never go near Kettle Creek opening weekend, but I'll be there in 2 weeks. Sandfly you are right, always too crowded.
Yeah it is always crowded but some little streams and fly fish only section are pretty quiet opening day and if there is a lot of people just walk and enjoy the sites till you find peace and quiet. We will be at the green lantern outside renovo Friday and Saturday night maybe ill see some of you there haha
Outsider, were you parked by the pines across from the Folded Hills lodge? I do remember seeing a truck there on Thursday now that I think about it. Being retired, I'll go up in early May and stay until early July. Plus another month in the fall. It's tough but somebody has to do it.
No, I was parked at the bridge. I didn't fish there very long. And it may have been Wednesday when it was colder. I hit some of the smaller special regs streams and did well, especially on Thursday when it warmed up.

I'll be up several trips in May, maybe we can get together.
I was there Saturday and didn't see another fisherman on Kettle. Even during the regular season, finding solitude isn't a problem at all. Had the place to myself, the trout responded well. Great day except for the part of dropping several hundred $$$$ at Phils place lol.


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I wish I had several hundred $$$ to drop there!
I'll be going there Monday or Tuesday, but probably up around Germania.
And it's Cross Fork.
Haha yes I saw that I wrote cross forks iPhone auto correct likes to add letters and I just let it do it at this point instead of just going back to fix it. I have been to germania a few times a little far away from where we stay at but we might end up going to a drive to a friends cabin there if it rains until Saturday.
Well on second thought might not be going to Kettle flow at Crossforks is at 820 and going straight up! It might be at flood stage by the time this is all said and done.
Kettle was raging this weekend. Very few fish caught. normal knee deep water was pushing top of chest waders. great weekend away but catching was tough to say the least. there was very few people around as well
I fish mostly around the Leidy area and there were lots of people but very few fish caught. A few were getting them on spinners. I feel the sudden drop in water temps had more to do with things then the high water levels. It dropped over 10 degrees after that rain. 55 degrees on Thursday and by Saturday it was 42.
Agree, i know that the water felt colder on the legs sunday vs saturday. all fish i know of were caught on spinners
We had a great weekend near the leidy bridge went down stream and caught 15+ browns and bows swinging olive and white buggers in the fast current. Paddys run also produced a lot of native brookies on big white streamers and stone fly nymphs. I did see a lot of fish caught at the bridge and we rapeled to the middle bridge enbutment but no fish caught in the middle eddy there. Good drinking weekend with the guys even if we didn't get any hatches or risers