Anyone fish a Scott rod?

gfen wrote:
my rod shattered this afternoon.

Please tell me it wasn't the Teeny. :-o
I've only got the fish Scott A2 rods twice and got to try out one of the older glass rods for a few casts, as well. The A2 was a 9' 5wt, I believe, and it was a very nice rod overall. Not too fast, not too slow, right in the middle. The glass rod was awesome. I only got a few casts with it, but ever since then I have been drooling over them. I'm not a big slow action flyrod fan, but that glass rod was sweeet. It would make a great rod for casting dries on small Limestoners.

FWIW, Orvis seems to also have a no questions asked return policy. My first fly rod was a 8.5' 3wt Clearwater Classic, that my Dad purchased for me when I was 14, in 1999, I think. I used it regularly until I fell and broke it during May of 2009. I sent it in and they replaced it with a 8.5' 4wt Clearwater II, no questions asked and no fees had to be paid. I have since broken 4 more Clearwater II's and all of them were replaced without the handling fee, since the original rod was purchased prior to 2003. I then searched Ebay and other online sources for another 8.5' 3wt Clearwater Classic, because I wanted my original rod back. It took almost a year until I found one, but I did find one on Ebay. First time I took it out was in Feb 2010, and I managed to fall again, and break the rod into 3 pieces. So, I sent it back to Orvis, and they replaced it again, this time with a 9' 6wt Clearwater II, since I already had the 8.5' 4wt, from before. After going through all of this I would say that Orvis has a great return policy, along with great, and understanding, customer service. I did manage to find another 8.5' 3wt Clearwater Classic, my original rod, and it only took 6 months this time. However, the chrome tip fell guide fell off last time I used it on Spring Creek.
You broke your rod 5 or 6 times in the last two years? How do you keep breaking them?!

In the past 25 years I have only broken 1 rod and sent it back to be fixed (my fault on the breakage) and that was close to 20 years ago when it happened. I'm either real lucky, real careful, or buy real sturdy rods. Hopefully this post is not bad karma for me (or my rods)...:lol:
Heritage-Angler wrote:
gfen wrote:
my rod shattered this afternoon.
Please tell me it wasn't the Teeny. :-o

Indeed it was, snapped on a roll cast of all things. Nice, clean break. That's what I get for trying to nymph fish.. Next time, its back to dries and a soft hackle dropper. :)

No doubt its been whacked more than a few times by some seriously lead-centric flies, I'm not surprised it happened. Looks like its a painless $25 check and some mail. I'm gonna call to see if I need an RMA or anything.
Hope they still have blanks for that. The 5 pc ones were pretty rare.

On a lighter note, I found a video clip of Tuna's European vacation.
Heritage-Angler wrote:
Hope they still have blanks for that. The 5 pc ones were pretty rare.

On a lighter note, I found a video clip of Tuna's European vacation.

They'd better, it was absolutely sublime to use, and did just about anything I needed it to. Don't give me heartburn this early in the morning.
How 'bout this for fancy rod handlin' / line management when landin' a trout..

I don't often dance like that when I land a fish, though.
Heritage-Angler wrote:
Hope they still have blanks for that. The 5 pc ones were pretty rare.

All rods/materials instock or incoming "in a few days on the next shipment," except 8wt TCiR.

So if you got that, ddon't break it.
I have broken more rods in the last year, than most people break in a lifetime. First broke at Yellow Creek when I fell while fighting a fish. Second one broke on the Little J, partially because it was covered in ice and I walked it right into a tree, and snapped the tip off. Third one I broke when I hooked a fish on the Little J and began moving upstream to get a better angle on it, and tripped over a rock. The fourth rod broke along Penn's Creek. I hiked in about 1.5 miles above Cherry and sat down to begin the set up process, got finished and stood up only to stand on my rod! I also tripped and fell, big surprise, and broke 2 more along smaller streams, due to ice and snow. Believe it or not I do take really good care of all of my fly rods. I haven't broken any rods for a couple of weeks now!

I'll have to get my fishing buddies to start filming me when I'm moving from spot to spot, or when I'm fighting a fish, I'd bet it would be pretty entertaining. Even though I've been flyfishing for roughly 10 years now, I'm still like a little kid on Christmas morning any chance I get to fish, even if I do fish 200+ days a year. That's what this sport is all about, right?
In the '70's, 80's and '90's, I was so infatuated with Scotts that I got all the G 4wts from 6'6 to 9'. The 9 footer was from Jack's in Phoenixville, back when no one in PA knew what to do with a 9 foot trouter. Even got an F glass in 7'6".

The 8'3" 5p 5wt seemed to be in my hand most of the time this summer in CO. I do have some random others - 2 and 3 wts.

Do I love Scotts?
