Anyone deal with 3-Tand recently?



New member
Oct 29, 2022
Media, PA
Has anyone dealt with 3-Tand recently? I bought a TF-50 a few years ago and the drag was never quite right but was at least usable. After using it only a few times over the course of a couple years, the drag pretty much stopped working altogether. I reached out to 3-Tand and Ron replied and was very pleasant to deal with. At Ron's request, I sent the reel off to him including the spool which was spooled up with Rio Gold line, as he said he would check and lube the bearings as well. Since I received confirmation that he received the reel back on July 7th, Ron has gone completely silent. I have sent repeated emails asking for an update, even if that is to just say that he hasn't been able to get to it. Is this just a $300 write-off at this point? I did some searching before I sent the reel off and most folks in the forums I saw had very good opinions of Ron and 3-Tand's service so I certainly didn't think this was going to end up with being 4 months of complete radio silence from 3-Tand. Just wondering, maybe they've gone out of business?

Facebook page seems to be active