Anyone considering a personal watercraft for 2015??

Yes it would. Very smart concept. I'd be up 1 camera, 1 brodin net, several hundred flies, couple spools of tippet etc. Practically pays for itself. LOL. Better than a raft which is what I considered. It's got rod storage etc. If you watch the video, you can stand on the rails and the boat doesn't blink. It also has 4 bladders per toon. Cheaper version with maxxon tubes. Sad thing is I'm looking so that the dog can go along with me. He's been down the river a handful of times and loves it.
But Andy could the dog row when you bail over the side onto the rock you thought was there? Lol I can still see that just glad the cigs were salvaged. We need to do that again and have Spocoli come too.
You'll never let me live that down. Anytime I got wet up there was in water less than knee deep. I have some mad skill exiting a boat...... Pee my pants climbing out or forget I have a 29" inseam and reach for a bottom that isn't there. Come up this spring and well have some fun.