Anybody Ever Fished A Cicada Fly?

OK, that wasn't the fish.

Caught a huge grass carp which I promptly released. Measured approx 42 inches.
FD if it was a grass carp, how come it ate a cicada? :D
DaveS wrote:
FD if it was a grass carp, how come it ate a cicada? :D

Because some ******** put a herbicide in that private lake that killed all the weeds so he didn't have to touch those icky things when he water-skied. Sore subject, and the lake never fully recovered. Grass carp will eat other things if hungry enough.

Either that or he might have thought it was a mulberry. I was wet wading and casting under trees.
After reading and hearing so much about these things, hope to get a chance to fish if and when they're on the water. Never have.

englishprof wrote:
After reading and hearing so much about these things, hope to get a chance to fish if and when they're on the water. Never have.

I'm amazed that some have emerged already in PA. It seems very early.
Didn't realize some had appeared in Pennsylvania. Have you actually seen them?
englishprof wrote:
Didn't realize some had appeared in Pennsylvania. Have you actually seen them?

I got that from the website that you linked. It indicates recent spotting of emerged cicadas, showing dates of April 7, April 8.

Probably just a few early pioneers, but I'm still amazed that they saw any this early.

When they emerged here in Centre County in 2008, I think the first ones were in mid-May.
Heard some REAL buzzers around Manada stream today. Just one, maybe two. But they were loud and unique!