Ants and Beetles


Jan 31, 2007
How do ya'll work with the foam for these? I've looked at a few of these flies in stores and in some of them, it looks like the foam is glued on. Other ones the foam is synched on, and in others if felt like someone wound dubbing around a circular bead.

How exactly is the best way to make these?
Dude, Is there one particular pattern that your trying to tie? There are a variety of ways to work with foam and many patterns out there that utilize them. Foam is not hard to work with it just requires a delicate hand when tightening down as to not break the thread. Let me know, or better yet post a pic of what you’re looking at and I'll try to help more. -Last Day of school and I’m bored.
Attached foam beetle – real simple and effective.

Attached Ant fly. Ants you can use dubbing for floating ant and thread for wet ant (use soft webby hackle for wet ant). You can also use foam for ants.

Good luck Dude…..
I tie a very similar pattern to that beetle. I actually wind some peacock herl around the twisted section of the foam. I need to make some hi vis like that one too. I've got great eye sight, but that black foam on the water is hard to see.
For my ant pattern it's very simple. Wind the hook with black thread, cut a small section of foam, tension is key to keep the foam on top of the hook, tie foam onto hook in 3 sections, i've even seen it in just 2. And add optional hackle behind the first section. Real easy.
I had a guy give me one last year. He said he uses them just about every time he fishes. His fishing buddies call him "ants". I've had a good amount of success with them too. I heard rumor that stocked trout like them because the ants get into the pellet food and they're used to eating them. Just a rumor though. I like terrestrials though. Around just about the whole year and they catch fish.
Thanks for the links, thats exactly what I was looking for.

Captmatt, I think I'm gonna try the foam method ryguy described. If that doesn't produce the result I want, I'll find a pic and post it.
I can verify ry's method.

That small strip of foam ant fly outcatches all other dries for me in the summer. I tie em sizes 18-22 usually, but this year i'm going to try a big fat 14 as well.

They also fish very well sunken..... I almost always fish one as a trailer when I'm blind casting caddis in the warmer months.
Look for the book for Harrison Steeves, I believe it is "tying flies with foam and fur". It is an excellent source of information, plus Harrison is a real character and I always I don't mind throwing a few bucks his way.