Antron caddis larva



Dec 9, 2012
I see lots of caddis larva patterns ranging from simple dubbing on a hook to Czech style patterns with thin skin and mono ribbing. I'm not sure if it's because it's such a standard pattern, or if it's because nobody ties it, but my favorite caddis larva imitation lately has been one tied with twisted antron for the body. I will sometimes split the yarn before twisting it and put in just a touch of rabbit or hare's ear dubbing to make the pattern a "Shark's caddis."

I fish this a lot in chartreuse, but also tie it in olive, and tan. I've also tied up a couple black ones as soft hackles to represent emerging grannom pupae (if I should ever fish a grannom hatch...).

Nice fly there Jeremy. I like tying those as well, the deep segmentation you get with that is fantastic.
I experimented with these types of bodies after trying some serendipitys. Try other materials as well. I like your split thread idea, adding dubbing to the segmented look seems like it could be buggy but also keep the distinct segmentation. Good work by you!
Another way to add the dubbing is to leave a long tag end of thread and use some wax to touch dub then wind the tag through the grooves of the Antron. Makes a nice effect when wet
Very nice look for sure, Jeremy; it has a similar look to that Utah Killer Bug. Thanks for sharing the pattern, and the soft hackle version sounds great!

Look up Shark's Caddis. It wins.
Looks like the baby from ALIEN.
Very nice Dub, very nice...
"Baby from alien..."
Does anybody have any solid substitutes for Antron? I have read that craft yarn works just as well and is half the price for twice as much. Anybody have any experience with substitutes?
Huh. Never thought to even look for a substitute. Antron is only like $1.75 for a 4 yard card, and it takes me a while to get through a card.
The yarn used to tie the Utah Killer Bug is by Jamieson's, called the Shetland Spindrift. It's great stuff, and I have it in a variety of colors. When wet, the fly looks great, and works well as both a caddis and scud.


***Here's a video of the pattern with the yarn:

