And BOOM, NY bans fracking



Well-known member
May 29, 2009
At least someone has some balls against this industry.
Back in June, the courts ruled that fracking could be band by local communities in NY....which most did. The governor's decision covers the rest of the bases though. Preserving some wonderful places
Glad to hear that there is at least one politician around with some common sense.

Although if I recall correctly from a few years ago, Maryland also banned fracking - at least until they see how things go in other places
10 to 1 it won't hold up. Sounds like upstate needs the $. There is plenty of that to go around. As soon as demand for gas increases, things will get interesting. Right now, it's most definitely a political move by Cuomo to align himself with those who put him back in office.
Good luck New Yorkers your going to need it PA will prove your right but it will take 20 years, its already to late for us.
this is a happy coincidence IMHO - Obama does a deal with OPEC and the gas prices tumble, causing Russia to collapse its currency and put massive pressure on Putin, meanwhile fracking becomes uneconomic under $80 a barrel.

gas has gone from $104 to $54 with no end in sight. i'm guessing OPEC will cut production around $35. they have no wish to see the $13 a barrel of the 1990's again.
There's a lot of sad faces in upstate New York this holiday season.
Title should real, "Cuomo bans hydraulic fracturing - For counties that didn't vote for him."
dryflyinNY33 wrote:
Title should real, "Cuomo bans hydraulic fracturing - For counties that didn't vote for him."
Exactly. There are a lot of unhappy people in New York State.
Balls? I was thinking stupidity and knack for taking brash action particularly for political expediency.
Ryan, the original post was almost a year ago.

Anyway, barbless brought up the idea of propane gel fracking nearly 5 years ago. Don't worry, I looked it up.

Nothing will satisfy all the anti drillers short of no drilling whatsoever and little turbine generators on every flat brim hat, but propane gel fracking sounds interesting.

I should have linked the old thread, but forgot to copy it. You can find it with a search fairly easily.

It is likely more dangerous up front from the operators standpoint, but the oft perceived long term "concerns" about "potential" water contamination, seem to be pretty much eliminated.

I can't say I agreed with Cuomo back then, but if this means the advancement of a safer although more expensive method, then I suppose the ends justifies the means ... for a change?

Nothing will satisfy all the anti drillers short of no drilling whatsoever and little turbine generators on every flat brim hat

I'm picturing one of these. You'd look good in one, Dave.


  • hat.jpg
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Sorry Pat, that wouldn't work for me. The first time I walked through a doorway...

I'd need something with lower profile, maybe even a different technology.



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duckfoot wrote:

Geo isn't quite as great as claimed. Friend just put in a geothermal system in Centre County. Now he has methane in his well water and needs to put a remediation system in.
So what's the "BOOM" part of this?
Its the sound the Governor's knee makes when it jerks.
