An idea about multiple state fishing licenses



Jul 7, 2011
I’m sure this would be an administrative nightmare but here it goes. I live in south central PA right on the border. I buy a PA and MD license every year. I also purchase a WV and VA license almost every other year. I can be in any of the 4 states within an hour. I would pay to have a quad or tristate license, perhaps at some form of discount over purchasing each individually. Has this ever been discussed by the states?

Another area that could greatly benefit would be the lake Erie Tribs. A combination license for steelhead/salmon fishing NY/PA/OH would have some great advantages and possibly spread fisherman out at peak seasons. Just a thought!
Neat idea, but I don't ever see it happening. I think you hit the nail on the head with the "administrative nightmare."

I could be wrong, though. I've been wrong before.
It couldn't be much more difficult to administer than driver's licenses which work across state lines. The problem is someone won't be getting all the cash they can grab.
It couldn't be much more difficult to administer than driver's licenses which work across state lines. The problem is someone won't be getting all the cash they can grab.
Yeah, it’s all about the money. We pay more for non resident licenses because we can’t vote in the states where we are not residents.

Personally, I like the idea of a multi license discount, but from a practical standpoint, fishing license money is what pays for protecting and managing our favorite resources.

If I got a discount on my New York non resident license because I also have a Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware and (this year) New Hampshire license, the various fisheries management operations in each state would have less money.

The reality is, unlike professional sports and parks n rec programs that are funded through general fund taxes, fishing and hunting programs are almost entirely funded through licenses, and the pool of money generated by license sales is tiny when compared to things like stadium subsidies.

I’d rather see my taxes lower because the multi billion dollar MLB and NFL are obligated to pay for stadium construction and upkeep, but that is even more of a fantasy than the great fishing spots I visit in my dreams.
I'm sure states would have no problem with a multi-state license, it's that discount that would be the issue.
Right. That is the "administrative nightmare." One state would be getting screwed financially, and that ain't gonna fly.
I’m not understanding the need for a multi-state license for the individual or the states. Why would any state give a discount on a multi-state fishing license and why would anybody expect a multi-state license to come with a discount. I would be against people receiving a discount on their PA license simply because they have licenses from other states. This makes no sense on any level.
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by having a multi state license you are spreading out your fishing between a couple states. I can only fish so many days out of the year. Now that I have a multi license, hypothetically, I’m cutting down my time fishing in each state. most states sell weekly, 3day, or one day licenses at a discount because they know a person won’t be keeping stringers full of fish for a whole season. They won’t be backing down a boat ramp more than once or twice. The advantage to each bordering state is they get a cut and the person may never even go in to the state to fish, or they go one time.
If you can propose a way to do it and each state has increased income, they'll just all over the other words, ain't happening. Neat idea though
I mean you can just cut out all the yearly costs and buy a lifetime one for VA. PA has 10 year licenses but from looking MD does not have anything other then multi-day passes and yearly I understand that having more then one does hurt but at the same time there are options to eliminate yearly fees and just do a lump sum.



Side note, if i were to get ahold of permission or acess to a camp in WV, i would get a lifetime and go camp there a few times a year.
If they all used to the same website to sell their licenses it wouldn't be difficult. Getting them all to use the same site would be.
If they all used to the same website to sell their licenses it wouldn't be difficult. Getting them all to use the same site would be.
Ahhh great thought! Any way to make it easier I would be game. Searching for the websites, remembering passwords. putting my credit card info in to their clunky website, understanding what I really need and what is a donation. I cant tell you how many times I've sat in my vehicle for 15 minutes buying a license when I could have been fishing!
States are businesses. They want to maximize their revenues. Why give up high non-resident fees?
IMG 4607

So here’s an area where three states meet and there is water on every border. Licenses are valid on either side for the bordering state which is a nice feature, a step in the right direction. If I’m making an argument to show how a multi license could benefit all three states, currently you could fish this area with any combination of two state licenses, while one misses out entirely.
It's not so much am matter of "administration" as is parochialism when it comes to jurisdiction. Local or state administrations don't want to lose control of the funds and the job appointments associated with the money. New Jersey has a similar issue with police departments. There as some towns which are smaller than a square mile and sparsely populated, yet each maintains its own police and fire departments causing untold waste and significant redundancy.
I wish that all states would adopt the NJ rule and do away with licenses for those over 70. I found that it was interesting buying a fishing license in Maryland. Because I was from NJ and most of my buddies were from PA my license cost less based on what NJ charges to out of state residents to get a license.
It would be a good idea also that a license expires a year from the date of purchase like NY. This would increase license sales.
Maryland is that way which is nice because I usually gain a month or two each year by waiting until I actually need it after it expires.