Am I crazy?



Jan 22, 2009
As a few of you know from an earlier post, I was looking for new rod/reel suggestions. On Saturday, I went up to McConnells and looked around. Spoke to a gentleman about my situation and he pointed me to a Sage Flight they had on clearance. It was $268 I believe. I started adding totals up and decided I would give it some thought before I went back and possibly cast it.

Well this evening, I broke out my Cabelas Cahill and did some practice casting in my yard. I really don't mind the feel of this rod, and I can lay the fly alright with it. I even practiced some roll casting as I'm really bad at it.

Now, I know that it's a super cheap setup, but can expect this rod to be a hindrance to my early progression in the sport? That is to say, what will I gain from a learning curve standpoint by dropping $375 + on a new rod/reel setup?

As a side note, I really enjoyed McConnells. Very friendly people and I really liked the small store atmosphere.
Doesn't sound like you are ready to drop the dough. So don't fish your old rod til you feel compelled to spend on a new. You may find new reasons....hookset, casting distance, accuracy, vanity?

In the meantime, save some cash along the way and analyze what you don;t like about your cahill. Certainly there are reasons that more expensive rods can draw you. You just have to find the ones that fit your cast and desired experience.