Aluminum for traction



Well-known member
Oct 2, 2006
SW PA, Greensburg
I just ordered a set of Aluma Trax soles for my Korker wading boots. Very similar to one of the sole options for Patagonia's Rock Grip wading boots.

Anyone have experience with these?

I would assume that the aluminum will feel almost "sticky" on the stream bed. Especially compared to carbide or steel studs. Let us know how you like them.

If they are like Patagonias you will love them and wear no other
I made my own and love them. I'm pretty sure Korkers stole my idea which I stole from patagonia. Lol

I have the patagonia boots. One, I noticed they got better after the aluminum wore a bit. Two, they are complete crap on a smooth uniform surface--such as slate, huge boulders etc. Ive had a few times where i felt like i was iceskating. I had similar issues with spikes though, so I would say they are alot like spikes, only much kinder to boats and cars.
I've never tried them.
But it seems to me that they would be uncomfortable wading in rocky areas - like walking in shoes with metal soles.
they would be great for tap dancing!
Perhaps Shakey and I can do a little song and dance routine at the next Jam?
Mine aren't bars like that. But I have the aluminum cleats from Simms, which are fairly flat and wide compared to regular studs. I would think some of the same would apply.

Great on broken surfaces. Dirt, mud, even river rock type surfaces. They are like ice skates on big, flat rock. I've been debating taking them off, but I haven't done it yet. I think you just have to adjust your thinking a bit. When I see a big, flat, dry rock to walk on, I usually get more confident in walking, as such places are typically where footing is best. And perhaps you get a bit careless. But with these, those are the spots where you have to pay extra attention. Just an adjustment.
I got to try the new soles Saturday on Spring Creek with CSoult. Coincidentally, my Korkers Metalheads gave up the ghost after a year and d half, so I was also trying out my new Korkers guide boots. Both the Aluma-Trax soles and the KGB boots were great. The aluminum was fantastic on slimy rocks and the KGB's gave me great support on the larger cobble in the creek. Provided I get better wear from these boots than I did from the Metalheads, I think they will be great. I'll keep everyone posted...
Tough wading on the Yough this Saturday, but the KGB boots and especially the Aluminum soles made an easy day of it. I can't recommend the soft aluminum highly enough!
Third trip yesterday with the new boots and soles (Little J). I still like the performance of the aluma-trax sole, but the durability leaves a lot to be desired. The rivets failed on plate nearest the heel on both the left and right boot resulting in the aluminum plate falling off. Back to felt I guess?

The boots (Korkers KGB) on the other hand are really impressing me. too soon to tell on the durability of the boot, but the comfort and support is fantastic. Oh, and if one sole doesn't work out I can always swap it for another...