Allenberry Resort: Pending Auction

John Kerry must need money, It would be nice if they donated it to the state or WPC. Would make a good write off. Or, Is the family hurting due to his run for prez.
SteveG wrote:
Situations like this are the reason I think PFBC should spend less on stocking streams, and more on acquiring easements.

The PFBC has a program in place called CAP, specifically for the purpose of acquiring land for fishing access. Any tax deductible donation you make is matched 100% I'm not trying to be a wise guy, but I make a donation every year and anyone can do the same.

As far as fear of houses being built, that's unlikely due to being in a floodplain.

They could build the houses up on the hill where the lodges are. They wouldn't be the first houses built that have a wet backyard when it rains heavy.
Thanks for the info Bamboo, the location on Shady Lane (Kitchen Shoppe) is also what I heard.
If it does come to that, I think being along the banks of the Letort would be just as fitting as the YB.

I also would like to see the PFBC take more action in acquiring more access/lands for the public. I got ahold of them a couple weeks ago about a piece of prime stream front property that went up for sale on the Lower Letort, perhaps a couple hundred yards(or more) of stream , one of the larger sections in the area. The current owner has permitted fishing there for years. Would be a shame to see this exceptional property lost if were to become privatized.

A Shady Lane location would be sweet, but I don't think it is big enough for everything or future expansion.

In regards to acquisition. Take a look at the CAP Program. Fund raising could easily be done by interested parties, it is 100% matched, 100% legit, administered by the State and tax deductible.

Sadly almost nobody knows about it.
I was at the Breeches Sun at Allenberry, lots of signs posted for the auction July 12. Caught 2 browns on a emerger.
Bamboozle wrote:
A Shady Lane location would be sweet, but I don't think it is big enough for everything or future expansion.

In regards to acquisition. Take a look at the CAP Program. Fund raising could easily be done by interested parties, it is 100% matched, 100% legit, administered by the State and tax deductible.

Sadly almost nobody knows about it.

Is there a list of easements they have acquired? Money goes into a government program, and what has come out?
Thank you for bringing that to my attention Bamboozle. I'm going to look into it for a business write-off. It's a shame that program is relatively unknown. Imagine all the money being spent by groups to support co-op hatcheries to stock miniscule stretches of water, being used to purchase easements (actual protection) on Class A water.

Do you know if CAP donarions stay within the same county?
I'm not positive about exactly which easements have been acquired with CAP money, but I am sure there is accountability and information available for the asking.

When you donate, you can designate whether your donation goes to cold water, warm water or access in general but I don't recall anything county specific.

But to be honest, I fish in so many different counties and in both cold water & warm that I really don't care as long as somebody somewhere in PA benefits from the program. I figure the PFBC & CAP administrators have to do what they can do when land becomes available versus waiting for something in particular.

I think it is a good program and a excellent opportunity to put your money where your mouth is regarding access in which ever amount you choose.
Bam, would you elaborate a bit on the French Creek situation you mentioned?
The property includes the 99,176-square-foot resort and playhouse campus on 57 acres along, with a neighboring 60-acre development tract. That land had been, at one point, designed to accommodate 128 homes and duplex units for those aged 55 and over.
acesedgley wrote:
Bam, would you elaborate a bit on the French Creek situation you mentioned?

From the PFBC website & the March/April 2016 issue of the PA Angler & Boater:


"Landowner posting has resulted in a substantial loss of angler access to an 8.4 mile section of stream extending from Hollow Road (SR 1033) downstream to SR 0023. Therefore, stocking limits will be revised in 2016 to the sections of stream that remain open to angling. The revised sections will extend for a distance of 1.46 miles from SR 1033 (Hollow Road) downstream to the T-481 Bridge (Hoffecker Road) and for 3.1 miles, from the unnamed tributary upstream of West Seven Stars Road (T-522) downstream to SR 0023"

This is essentially all of Section 7 of the Approved Trout sections BELOW the Fly Fishing Only water which is Section 5. I may be wrong but I believe the section limits of Section 6 were revised as well, meaning the total of lost access includes parts of Section 6 that were formally open.

While this may not put a tear into the eyes of SE fly fishermen because it isn't the FFO part of Frenchie, it's still a ton of water to lose versus 1 mile of the Breeches.
Thanks, I kinda remember that now. Though I live relatively close to the area, I didn't go there much. I appreciate all landowners who leave stream sections open, but certainly understand why they would post as well.
Hopefully the resort goes in to good hands. I just fished it for the first time this week and other than the crowds, fishing was great. Does anyone know how far up the stream could be posted?
Up to the Run for the most part, property on the AT side of the creek runs between the railroad and the creek and ends right about at the bend where the Run comes in. Run/Allenberry side of the stream property stops in the flat water above the dam among the stream side houses. Have never been aware of any other access from the Allenberry side above there, privately owned and a pretty steep drop to the creek.
That was my favorite section of creek to fish. From right above the dam up to the run, slow, deep water but very fun to fish in, especially catching 10-16" Brownies diving to the bottom away from you on a #3 with a a click and pawl reel! I would've loved to fish below the dam, too, but there was too many people for my liking, not big on combat fishing.