Allenberry - Access Updated: 19 Dec 16

Stop giving him ideas!!!!!!
Not all of that .9 miles is along Allenberry property.
SteveG wrote:
Not all of that .9 miles is along Allenberry property.

The PFBC defines that Catch & Release section (Section 3) as from the mouth of the Run to Allenberry @ N40°09'00.1" W77°06'29.1".

The Allenberry owns all of the property on the far bank from the stone arch bridge at Mountain Road to the houses where Cristwell Drive crosses the RR tracks.

The Heinze's still own a small parcel on the Allenberry side opposite the houses on Cristwell which is the lower limit of Section 3. The Allenberry owns the rest of their side save for about 400 yards up towards the Run.

The only place you could fish in that section and not be on their property would be staying on the Allenberry side of the creek from the Run for about 400 yards (with the steep bank at your back) or in front of the houses on Cristwell for about 10 or 20 yards IF those homeowners have no objection.

I have no idea how the Heinze's feel about their short piece.

Bottom line, about .24 miles of Section 3 it ISN'T theirs.
I guess I don't understand why people covet this tiny section of water. If access is lost, big deal, just dump those fish further downstream. The Breeches has a ton of easy access along its whole length.
SteveG wrote:
I guess I don't understand why people covet this tiny section of water. If access is lost, big deal, just dump those fish further downstream. The Breeches has a ton of easy access along its whole length.

I heartily concur!!
Posted today, 12/10, on Allenberry's Facebook page:

Access to the Yellow Breeches Creek only along the south side for the limited purpose of fishing and hiking is now allowed. Signs will be going up today. Allenberry Resort still remains an active construction zone, so unfortunately there is no access allowed from the north side at this time, or onto the Allenberry Resort property, until construction has been completed. We will continue to keep you updated. Thanks again for all of your understanding and patience!

Please keep in mind that parking is very limited along the south bank and it's suggested to use the established parking area at the Run to access the creek by walking in.

tomitrout wrote:
Posted today, 12/10, on Allenberry's Facebook page:

Access to the Yellow Breeches Creek only along the south side for the limited purpose of fishing and hiking is now allowed. Signs will be going up today. Allenberry Resort still remains an active construction zone, so unfortunately there is no access allowed from the north side at this time, or onto the Allenberry Resort property, until construction has been completed. We will continue to keep you updated. Thanks again for all of your understanding and patience!

Please keep in mind that parking is very limited along the south bank and it's suggested to use the established parking area at the Run to access the creek by walking in.

Would there be room to create a parking area on the south side?

Maybe someone (Fish Commission, township, county tourism or parks people) would be willing to buy land on the south side from the new owners, then create and maintain parking there.

That's a good question that I hope will be addressed in the near future.

For now, there is limited parking, if anything official for that matter, at the actual entry points to the existing 'fisherman's path' along the south bank and it could easily be abused if not respected. So, hopefully folks will recognize that and make the effort to either wade down or walk over the arched bridge from the township parking area at The Run as the relationship with the new owner continues to take shape.
Bamboozle wrote:
SteveG wrote:
I guess I don't understand why people covet this tiny section of water. If access is lost, big deal, just dump those fish further downstream. The Breeches has a ton of easy access along its whole length.

I heartily concur!!

I guess it's the cooling effect of the Run that makes this stretch so coveted. The Breeches is basically a warm water fishery save for this area and a few others with cool water / spring inflows. While dumping fish in other places will certainly satisfy early season anglers, when things start to heat up in summer, angling options for trout fishermen will be even more limited than before.
Thanks for the heads up, TT. Glad to see it reopened.

"The Yellow Breeches is a destination for fly fishing in particular, with a reputation nationwide for hobbyists. "To really start to cater to that, that's going to be a big cornerstone for the new evolution of what this is going to be at the resort"...

^ Given the new owners see FFers as a valuable asset to their business, I would guess when the construction is complete, they will reopen the fishermen's lot and/or find some accommodation to allow access from the resort side.

In mean time, parking at the run lot and crossing over to the path on south side of the YB is no big deal. And if you're a big burly FFer, why not leave the run for the older folks and kids to fish that can't walk or wade very easily.
troutbert wrote:

Would there be room to create a parking area on the south side?

So, you are all for disturbing land and increased runoff so that those to lazy to hike down can pack into an already crowded situation?
As of today, Dec 19th, the situation is this:

Anglers may park at the Run and walk down into the special reg section owned by Allenberry. They must keep to the right side of the stream (looking downstream). Once you get below the dam, do not set foot on the land on the other side of the creek as this is an active contruction area.
I guess it's the cooling effect of the Run that makes this stretch so coveted. The Breeches is basically a warm water fishery save for this area and a few others with cool water / spring inflows. While dumping fish in other places will certainly satisfy early season anglers, when things start to heat up in summer, angling options for trout fishermen will be even more limited than before.

I like hearing this type of thing. Spread the word! :-D :-D :-D
HopBack wrote:
I guess it's the cooling effect of the Run that makes this stretch so coveted. The Breeches is basically a warm water fishery save for this area and a few others with cool water / spring inflows. While dumping fish in other places will certainly satisfy early season anglers, when things start to heat up in summer, angling options for trout fishermen will be even more limited than before.

I like hearing this type of thing. Spread the word! :-D :-D :-D

Exactly haha. Ain't no fish in ear'. They haven't stocked since the Spring.
Tom wrote;

And if you're a big burly FFer, why not leave the run for the older folks and kids to fish that can't walk or wade very easily.

What an excellent idea! I'm sure there are many older guys with some health and mobility issues that precludes them from walking as far as they used to and wading swifter currents. Being able to fish the Run with guys in their age group only would likely be fun for them and they wouldn't have to contend with some twenty something newbies jumping in ahead of them.

If implemented I might be needing it in a few years!