Allegheny Native And Their Fly Fishing Passion

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There are several fun Pennsylvania fly fishing channels on YouTube, but the guys on Allegheny Native have done a great job sharing some fantastic cinematic images of their angling journeys. Their videos stand out with locations they fish and the quality of production. They are hitting plenty of out-of-the-way streams for wild brookies and brown trout. The videos really make you feel like you are part of the scene, if not just wanting to be there with the guys.

Nate Burkhart generally shares the stream with his brother-in-law, Joel Snedden, for their trips. Originally, they got started with Caleb Stasko and provided much of the video experience to get started with the Allegheny Native Channel. Caleb has now moved to Montana but shared enough with Nate that is production quality is outstanding. You can see the enthusiasm while on the stream, but in the care taken making a video.

A fun watch especially when thinking about the upcoming fly fishing season. You can find their channel here.
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