All kinds/Ridley Creek

I guess being young and dumb is a crime now. Its a shame being a self righteous old curmudgeon isn't an equal crime. I must be the only guy here who was young once. I didn’t know every rule and I suspect most kids don’t either. Good for you for educating the lad with some level of decency and respect. To those suggesting the lad is a heinous poacher, lighten up. Doesn’t sound to me like the kid needed the cops called on him, he simply needed to be informed which he was. Believe it or not, most people are decent people, even those at Ridley creek.
Very well said .

Sounds like a “get off my lawn “ crowd 😂
I'm sure if this happened on some pristine wild trout stream, possibly one that was catch & release and there was an equally adorable uninformed cherub who COULDN'T POSSIBLY know the rules with a stringer full of darling gemmies, the understanding & forgiving lot would be experiencing the red mist.

Sorry, but the dumb ones aren't always the young ones...

If you don't believe me, send me the card number and PIN codes numbers from $3000 in Amazon gift cards and I'll release your children from jail for fishing out of season...
My only knowledge of Ridley is what appears to be a FFO section near a relative's house. I've never fished it, but every time I have driven through I have seen folks fishing it year round. It seems quite popular. It's not a big stream. I guess I assumed it was all special regs and open.
The ones who **** me off, are the ones who you do talk to nicely and they choose to mouth off and ignore you, instead of listening. That will result in a call to the WCO. Guess I'm an old curmudgeon in that case. Some might even call me a prick, and I'm OK with that too.
Different scenario and not the one I was commenting on.
I'm sure if this happened on some pristine wild trout stream, possibly one that was catch & release and there was an equally adorable uninformed cherub who COULDN'T POSSIBLY know the rules with a stringer full of darling gemmies, the understanding & forgiving lot would be experiencing the red mist.

Sorry, but the dumb ones aren't always the young ones...

If you don't believe me, send me the card number and PIN codes numbers from $3000 in Amazon gift cards and I'll release your children from jail for fishing out of season...
again, not the same scenario I was commenting on.

I think we all take it for granted that everybody has a positive mentor in their life who skillfully guides them through every twist and turn of life. Not so, some have to figure it out on their own, sometimes with a little help from the rest of us. The delivery of that help can make or break It.
Ignorance is bliss, when you use it as an excuse...

I still remember confronting another "young buck" on Section 3 of the Perkiomen fishing during the Closed Season...

I confronted him and he said he thought if he released his catch he was in compliance...

Sorry but I'm calling bull$hit....

Take that F'ng $2000 computer that is glued to your hand, read the rules and abide by them...

If you don't, THIS old "F" is ratting your sorry a$$ out to law enforcement... ;)
I remember as a young kid seeing this happen. It was so enraging, yet it was tough to approach adults and call them out.
I remember as a young kid seeing this happen. It was so enraging, yet it was tough to approach adults and call them out.

If you are up for it, you can get another crack at it as an adult on March 30th, Mentored Youth Day. Just make sure to get there by 7:00 am or you'll miss out on at least one opportunity.

Anticipated transgressions by adults requiring calling out include:

Beginning fishing before 8:00 am​
Harvesting fish or fish in possession​
No child in sight​

As for me, I'll be busy hassling the uniformed kids for not having a current year Mentored Youth Permit OR a Voluntary Youth Fishing License, keeping too many fish or not having a mentor... ;)
Mentored youth day in my neck of the woods is perhaps the most abused fishing day by adults. The concept is great. But for whatever reason too many adults decide it is their day to cleanup on stockies and to hell with whatever the regulations call for.

Maybe they didn't know the regulations... ;)

In the meantime, welcome to 2024.
When I was young and first got into fly fishing, I went up to Clark's a week before opening day. I didn't realize that I was about a half a mile above the fly fishing area because I was young and dumb. The wco watched me catch about 50 fish and release them all before coming down and asking me what I was doing. I explained that I was in the fly area and just enjoying my day. He told me that I was too far above it and was in a popular hole that receives a lot of stocked fish. I immediately reeled my stuff in, got out of the creek and approached him apologetically. He told me that mistakes happen and wasn't writing me a ticket. He just wanted me to move back down to the fly area which I immediately did.

I think it was handled well in the OP and we all make mistakes.
If you are up for it, you can get another crack at it as an adult on March 30th, Mentored Youth Day. Just make sure to get there by 7:00 am or you'll miss out on at least one opportunity.

Anticipated transgressions by adults requiring calling out include:

Beginning fishing before 8:00 am​
Harvesting fish or fish in possession​
No child in sight​

As for me, I'll be busy hassling the uniformed kids for not having a current year Mentored Youth Permit OR a Voluntary Youth Fishing License, keeping too many fish or not having a mentor... ;)
Don't forget the guys trying like hell for a big pally, while their kids are playing with sticks or on their iPads, not caring less about fishing, while the adults do all the fishing.
The ones who **** me off, are the ones who do you talk to nicely and they choose to mouth off and ignore you, instead of listening. That will result in a call to the WCO. Guess I'm an old curmudgeon in that case. Some might even call me a prick, and I'm OK with that too.

Don't forget the guys trying like hell for a big pally, while their kids are playing with sticks or on their iPads, not caring less about fishing, while the adults do all the fishing.
If the kids ain't fishing, you ain't fishing, should be the regulations. Adults should be assisting the kids and not fishing themselves.
Don't forget the guys trying like hell for a big pally, while their kids are playing with sticks or on their iPads, not caring less about fishing, while the adults do all the fishing.
Dear blitzenstripes,

Ah, the glorious Pally! The source of many legendary Opening Day confrontations in waters across all 67 counties. When I was kid long ago, I almost witnessed a riot break out at Levittown Lake. Some guy was playing a Pally on mid-weight surf gear and a kid, not me or my brother, cast across his line.

I was about 12 or 13, and I thought I knew ALL the curse words! I had the George Carlin "7 Deadly Words you can't say on TV" routine memorized! The angler with the Pally and kid's dad taught me a few new ones that day. Luckily, the man landed the Pally and the &^($%%##& kid and his stupid *@^%$(^) dad survived to fish another day.


Tim Murphy :)
If you are up for it, you can get another crack at it as an adult on March 30th, Mentored Youth Day. Just make sure to get there by 7:00 am or you'll miss out on at least one opportunity.

Anticipated transgressions by adults requiring calling out include:

Beginning fishing before 8:00 am​
Harvesting fish or fish in possession​
No child in sight​

As for me, I'll be busy hassling the uniformed kids for not having a current year Mentored Youth Permit OR a Voluntary Youth Fishing License, keeping too many fish or not having a mentor... ;)
I almost brought that up but I thought it would set off another firestorm. I absolutely hate it.
Dear blitzenstripes,

Ah, the glorious Pally! The source of many legendary Opening Day confrontations in waters across all 67 counties. When I was kid long ago, I almost witnessed a riot break out at Levittown Lake. Some guy was playing a Pally on mid-weight surf gear and a kid, not me or my brother, cast across his line.

I was about 12 or 13, and I thought I knew ALL the curse words! I had the George Carlin "7 Deadly Words you can't say on TV" routine memorized! The angler with the Pally and kid's dad taught me a few new ones that day. Luckily, the man landed the Pally and the &^($%%##& kid and his stupid *@^%$(^) dad survived to fish another day.


Tim Murphy :)
I have to admit there was something magical when those golden streaks showed up in the hole across from our house. Of course there was the trauma of watching a variety of idiots fishing for them before opening day. The excuses were endless. Our family drove all this way to fish.......... Or its okay as long as you release them. I have seen a lot of cars parked along local streams lately. The hair on my neck goes straight up. Last year, I had the dog out for a walk along the stream. From a distance some guy pulls over and starts screaming at me for fishing out of season. We were on our way to the school play last night and there were 2 cars along lower Middle Creek and I slowed to see if I could see fisherman. She said how ridiculous I was being. I told her I she wouldn't understand if I tried to explained it to her. Honestly I don't even go out on opening day. Nostalgia.
There’s also the possibility at times that the young angler is just unaware. I recall a case of a young man being dropped off at the Tully DH Area by his college age girlfriend while she went to class. He was fishing bait right out in the open at a popular spot where anyone could see him and, frankly, didn’t look to be very experienced. I don’t recall if there was a special reg sign at that location or else because there were two possible entry points perhaps he may have entered at one without a sign. Maybe he even walked past a sign in a hurry and didn’t even notice it. Anyway, I could picture his girlfriend knowing that he liked to fish, innocently telling him that she knew a spot near school where lots of people fish, and that he could fish while she attended class. She dumps him off and he heads to the creek, a creek the name of which he doesn’t even know. It happens. The conditions and the story seemed legit.
I can't remember the last time I went out on Opening Day. I guess that has a lot to do with me being a wild trout snob. I hate crowds. ;)

It's not my thing either but I've done the Opening Day thing once or twice somewhat recently on Section 3 of Darby Creek only for nostalgia's sake, a few laughs and an excuse to use the spinning gear of my youth in my old hood.

I had one banner day 10 + years ago when EVERYTHING I used worked including flies and I found an arrowhead IN DARBY CREEK which for me was one of the highlights of my entire fishing life!!

If one is so inclined, the secret to not getting totally aggravated is to forgo the opening bell and show up around noon. By that time the yahoo brigade has already "limited out" and pranced up and down the stream 10 times to show off their catch so it isn't quite the zoo it is in the AM.

I don't take it seriously and could care less if I catch anything because I'm going to release it anyway so my buddy & I usually give it an hour or so before heading back to the car for a few beers.
It is not my role to inforce or confront other fisherman, I just give call the regional hq and let them handle it.
They are professionals.
Mentored youth day in my neck of the woods is perhaps the most abused fishing day by adults. The concept is great. But for whatever reason too many adults decide it is their day to cleanup on stockies and to hell with whatever the regulations call for.
A couple years ago I just happened to be at Boiling Springs on Mentored Day. There was a man and woman with 2 kids that were about 2 years old in strollers sleeping. The "adults" were fishing, I guess using the 2 year olds as them mentoring was ok in their eyes.