Aerializing lots of line..

Good for you guys.

Would like to attend but that is too far for me. No doubt they know there stuff.

I don't have any interest in pursuing a career in FF but a friend of mind is involved and is certified. (not that I am saying I am anywhere near good enough to ever near those categories- I am totally average and that's the way I like it- hehe)

Here is some infomation on that subject:

Good luck and enjoy Weds. Heck, my buddy and I are usually too busy fishing for me to learn much.
gfen wrote:
Well, damn, lookie what I started.

So, Wednesday evening down from the hatchery? Hopefully this is an evening affair for us 9-5'rs. Unless our instuctors lay out something specific, I'll just head over after work.

Yup - it's all your fault. ;-)

This is just an informal get together. You get there when you get there, no sign up or anything.

I'll be there @ 3:30, and I'll bring a case of spring water (on ice). If you want something else, bring it. Keep in mind that we'll be inside the Allentown Parkway System, so no alcoholic beverages are permitted. We'll head up to the Brass Rail for dinner afterwards (8pm or so), and they have a bar. 😎

Dave can post when he'll be arriving, but until he gets there, we'll flail away. Bring your own rod setup, and a 9' leader that you don't mind trashing. I'll clean everyone's line after they're done casting on the lawn (if they want it done).

We'll be right alongside the Little Lehigh, so fishing is DEFINITELY an option, before, during, or after.

If anyone needs directions, see my post earlier in this thread or PM me. This is happening UPSTREAM from the hatchery, not down at the fly shop.
Glad to hear we have some folks interested. We'll have some fun and, hopefully, we'll learn a little, too. Like HA said, this will be an informal gathering/learning opportunity.

I'll be there around 3:30 with HA but for those who can't make it that early just come when you can. This is just as much for you 9-5'ers. I'll be looking forward to meeting folks to be able to put a face with the handle.

HA, I've got an assignment for you. Start practicing aerializing 75' of line and be able to vary loop size on command;-)

Dinner at the Brass Rail sounds good, too. I was wondering what I was gonna do for food. We can talk all sorts of fly fishing stuff while we eat!

I'm probably looking forward to this as much as any of you!

Shooting heads and mono running line.
cast half again as far as with fly lines.
Thanks again for taking the time to help us last night. It was very generous of you to make that offer and I think a good time was had by all the lucky attendees. To those that didn't or couldn't make it, it's unfortunate because you missed out on a great evening of instruction and insight on casting, fishing, flies and general BSing.
It was nice to meet each of you and I look forward to doing so again soon.
Had a great time at the casting jam yesterday. Thanks to Dave Rothrock (Old Lefty) for taking the time to help us out with some casting instruction, and thanks to Ed (Heritage) for organizing the day.

Since the Western PA and Central PAFFers seem to be dead in the water, it's up to the guys in the East to get things going. As far as a trico jam, plans are being made as we speak. Details will be forthcoming from Gfen, Jayl, or Heritage in the coming weeks. Also, I tried last season but it didn't work out, but again I would like to plan an early fall trip to the Upper D, maybe in September.

Note: These events or "jams" are informal get-togethers organized by individual PAFF members and are not necessary sponsored or endorsed by the PAFF site or Dave Kile.
It was wonderful to meet all of the guys that showed up for the casting session. While I'll never be a Joan Wulff, I got just the timing pointers to gain a few more yards and allot more confidence. Thanks! Dave! Yes I practiced today!!

Ed showed me the roll cast which now I am wondering why I thought it was difficult. Thanks Ed!!

Also all of you need to get me to either clean my ears or get a hearing aide. Dave said he was going downstream when I thought he went upstream so I missed seeing him catch fish and yes he even admitted to missing a few as well. I was just a fishing piggy, hit the water right at the parking lot, not the best place actually, worked my way up stream but did manage to pick up a couple of little brookies.

Dave and I can both tell you, hydration, hydration, hydration!! It was a bit hot and while I tried not to look like a sweaty drenched trout, I ended up that way despite my best efforts.

Anyway, it was a really nice day and these get to gethers are fun. We need to do them more often. Doesn't have to be a big crowd or a long day.


I'd be up for a trip to the Delaware. Let me know.

I had a really good day. Thanks All!
Afish- that's hitting below the belt.

We're in trout purgatory over here in western PA.

Maybe a warmwater jam is appropriate.

Nice pics.
No problem.

Probably be looking for fishing buddies out there- I don't think they will be hard to find in Melrose,Dillon and Ennis.

If I get some paperwork in the mail soon. I will be there next week.
Just kidding Kid, but hopefully you will keep us updated (and drooling) with your exploits in big sky country. Best of luck to you……..have fun!
This is definitely one I would have loved to attend. Just as much as tying and actual fishing, I really enjoy taking the rods out just to throw a bunch of line. I must admit it would have been awesome to see Dave throw a cast 120'. 90' I can achieve but 120' would be something to watch.

One question about that though. Most of my fly lines aren't nearly that long. Was Dave using a special line for that or just shooting into his backing? I believe most of my lines (except for the 10 wt) are between 80' and 90'
I can't speak for the line on his personal 7wt he brought along, but when he was using my 10wt, the line is 120'.

Well, I can speak for his line, it was also 120', but I'm unsure of what taper or design it was.
gfen was he throwing your 10 in those pics? I can get out to about 100' with my 9 & 10wts but any after that just pretty much falls apart. I'm sure Dave could have helped with some pointers. You lucky dogs on the east side. 😉
Dave easily cast the entire line with ease with my 5wt XP (100' +/-adding the length of the line, leader and rod together).

He analyzed my casting and told me I creep on my back and fore cast robbing me of stroke, and on longer casts I apply power too abruptly and need to smooth out the power stroke. I used his advice and worked on my stroke that afternoon and back at home. Before Dave worked with me I struggled and maxed out at about 80-85' with my 5wt, now I can cast the entire line with a decent loop (100' +/-) with much less effort.

Yeah, I know I seldom if ever will need to cast 100’ fishing around here, but I’ve always believed, and Dave confirmed my belief many times during the session, that flaws in your casting technique are magnified at longer distances. Refining your technique at long distances makes you a better caster at any distance because good technique gives you better line control and thus results in greater accuracy.

Thanks again Dave.
The line I was using is a Scientific Anglers Expert Distance taper and, I believe, is listed as a tournament line. It is fluorescent orange. The standard Expert Distance lines are 105'. The tournament line is 120'.
