Advertising and Self Promoting on Paflyfish



Staff member
Dec 13, 2021
One the more important and difficult decisions on the site is how advertising is handled. Not a big fan of adding more regulations or guidelines, but in trying to strike a balance it seems I also create some grey areas. So as a rule I do not permit any advertising or business promotion in the forums. I don't think people coming to Paflyfish desire to have unsolicited ads posted in the threads and one of the reasons we are a successful forum.

I have made a few exceptions want to explain how this works.

In the Events Forum organizations close to the sport like TU can post their fee based activities. Businesses and organizations can post free activities that help anglers like a free tying or casting programs.

Guides or shops can post into the Professional Stream Reports forum and include a link back their website. It needs to be a constructive stream report and not an ad or newsletter.

Finally, if a business wants to share a promotional message or advertise they can inquiry about advertising on the site or by making a single post in the Shop Talk Forum to

So we are clear, a business can be an individual selling something that benefits them. If you sell flies, materials, guide, rods or something that will make you money I consider that an advertising situation. Businesses are welcome to participate and many already do a great job here. Understand this site is here to help others. I need to draw they line.

Thank you for your understanding.

Thank you for your explanation. I think that is very fair and helpful.