Addiction (fly fishing, fly tying, rod building...etc)



Active member
Sep 12, 2006
What part of your addiction (fly fishing, fly tying, rod building...etc) divers your spouse, girlfriend or family crazy? My wife (Amy) can not stand when I pressing nodes and I have ventilation that takes the fumes out of my rod room. She can not stand the smell of burnt bamboo and that is all I hear about for the next week or so. The only other thing is hooks; man if she sees a hook lying around or a fly not in a box OUCH!! But I understand that one.

Joe E
My EX-WIVES didnt like the bits and pieces all over MY room..always had my own tying room, and they insisted on running the vacum cleaner..P!$$ me off, there would go good stuff and hooks that I dropped..So I got rid of them...The WIVES that is...Never mess with a man's truck, guns or fishin equipment...

Very well said!
My wives figure it keeps me from bothering them so they were/are pro fishing in all aspects.
My ex girlfriend left me when I came back from the Jam. I'd say it was a matter of my going fishing damn near every weekend for the three months prior.
I used to keep my gear in the back of the Jeep. It smelled god aweful. She hated it, I kinda liked it. I now have a Yakima box on top. FYI its contents are worth more than the vehicle it is bolted to.
I keep my gear in the living room next to her new couch. She hates it and comments on it every day. I smile and walk away.

Ryan is right the roof box on his jeep is far more valuable than the jeep. I've seen it several times. It is a nice jeep just ...................... You guys should see his spare
sandfly wrote:
My EX-WIVES didnt like the bits and pieces all over MY room..always had my own tying room, and they insisted on running the vacum cleaner..P!$$ me off, there would go good stuff and hooks that I dropped..So I got rid of them...The WIVES that is...Never mess with a man's truck, guns or fishin equipment...

Or the hunting dog.
Gotta, admit, on the "3rd.try" I managed to pick a winner. (or, is this my fourth try? I Know I was out fishing, when ONE of the marriages went hen-crap?).

Anyway, my bride of current pillow sharing, insisted that I take the one room in our house, that wasn't already in use, as; "your flyfishing pit".

She never says a word, about any of my fishing exploits, gear or tying, as long as it stays within the boundaries of this one room.

But, she's also purchased me some really nice fishing art work that hangs in the living room. The kitchen clock, over the stove, is a fly fishing theme as is the "Welcome sign and door mat" to the ranch.

Granted, I DO get "THE LOOK", if she serves guests something like pie or cake, and there's a piece of flaming orange marabou stuck to the icing or pie crust but other, than that, she's very encouraging and supportive of my love of the sport!
your ex wives got rid of you ,it was'nt the fly tying smell that bothered them !!!!!!!! hint hint !!! :lol: :p
My wife's pretty cool about it in general, and has even decorated our guest bedroom/tying room in a fishing theme. That being said, she seems to get a little cranky about 2 days before any extended length fishing trip. She's always cool about it until right before I go, then it all goes south. It's like clockwork. Not that she's really angry, she'll just mess with me for the last day or so. "It's ok honey, the dog and I will be fine......Good luck, have fun, don't worry about us......", but seriously, she's a good sport about it. BTW, Jay, I told ya to blow her off and stay an extra day...I was only kidding, but remember that for next time. :lol:

Spare has been flatter than a pancake for over two years. I just can't bring my self to throw away a BF Goodrich.

This brings up another issue. I have been looking at getting a new rig for a while now. Maybe i am cheap but I just can't bring my self to shell out the pesos. I mean the jeep has been from death valley to Fairbanks. I don't see me laughing it off when a newer $25k SUV scrapes off of a rock on my way to a new fishing spot.
Young guys--when I was young, my wife didn't like much of it. She didn't like my messy fly-tying room, she didn't like not seeing me during the evenings for six weeks during the hatches, she hated my trips out west. But, things have changed. (I've been married 32 years.) She just closes the door to the fly-tying room, she asks me why I don't go fishing when I am underfoot, and she thinks a trip out west (with the appropriate people) might not be a bad idea. So, bear with your spouses' or girlfriends' irritation with you; as you get older, they find you less indispensable than when you were young! (At least mine does.)
I had to answer this forum question because it made me think about how my wife complains about all my stuff EXCEPT for flyfishing gear. Weird! I think she likes it when I'm gone fishin. She may be seeing someone else. It better not be one of you guys.

I'm sure she wouldn't see another fisherman. She'd clearly have learned her lesson by now.

Good answer!!


How many damn years do I have hear about before she accepts it???? It's been five long years so far, though see now says I'm much easier to live with after a fishing trip for a few days. Maybe that's a start???
RRT: First off, congrats on 32 years!!

But, you also hit it right on the head, when you mentioned "time, underfoot, longevity of a relationship, etc.".

JH, asked, "How many more years?", "It's been FIVE LONG ONES now!?!" Well, JH, that in itself, can be a lot of the answer! "Time! How much?" Hard to say! Things, "just change", all of a sudden, one day. Things like the; "making sure, you're going to the latest movie", "being invited to the RIGHT parties", and, more than anything............ the insecurities of any early and young relationship, when that nagging doubt about "true love and companionship", is still in its infancy.

I, know, all to well that when I took an early retirement at 49, to fish and pursue a few other avenues I wanted to do, I was suddenly "ASKED" "why wasn't I going fishing, for the weekend?" Or, even, "WHY, did I have to WAIT for the weekend, to even go?!"

"Being under a woman's feet, in her way, every day, 24/7" is probably one of the all time BEST ways to get TOLD to go fishing!
There's a huge difference, between "when she sees you for maybe 6 hours, after work-during dinner-then you're off to bed", 5 nights out of seven. So, when those two, full, days of the weekend roll around, those two "8 hour full days with you", suddenly become HERS, perhaps, in her way of thinking. Tell her, though, that "You're taking off, for one or both days", so not even those two days are hers with you and what do you expect to happen?

It just TAKES TIME!! "Time" and "maturity" are the only two things that are possibly ever going to right the scales of balance in a good relationship.

And, the "other weight on the balancing scale", is of course, simply being fair. If I now, fish, 125 days a year, I'll make it a point to spend 130 days with my pillow partner. NOT to "justify" anything, or even "So I can bring it up to her, that I do it". I, DO IT, because I like to and I want to and she now, knows that.