Action Caddis/Performing a Dubbing Whip-Finish

Gentlemen. I do know Gaeron, and i was kidding with with him. In no way do i claim to have come up with that technique.

I have done it on bead head flies. The true trick to the knot holding, is to dub extremely sparse and tight. When done this way it will hold for a lot of fish.... And I do agree that the fish dont care.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

Johnny Utah
gaeron, I notice your quick-clip has a small metal rod coming out of the front. Did you buy it like that, or did you make it?
zenherper wrote:
gaeron, I notice your quick-clip has a small metal rod coming out of the front. Did you buy it like that, or did you make it?

Zen, I don't quite know what you mean?
zenherper wrote:
gaeron, I notice your quick-clip has a small metal rod coming out of the front. Did you buy it like that, or did you make it?

Zen - Wiss snips don't come with a bodkin sticking out the front. Some guys here just added it. There WAS a version that did come with the bodkin attached...

The original version was sold by A.K. Best back in the day. Here's an original - these actually belonged to A.K.Best. He gave them to me over a decade ago. I used them until they got dull, and then tried to replace the tips - didn't work well after I replaced them, as the screws wouldn't tighten enough to align the shears. I broke the finger loop at some point, and replaced it with a piece of brass rod.

A.K. likes to tie with his S&M bobbin held in his fingertips for thread control. This allows him to hold the bulky snips in that hand also. Using a regular style bobbin with those snips in your hand is, well, a handful.

The bodkin built in to the snips comes in handy for hand whip finishing (inserted in the loop as you draw the knot tight). It's personal preference, but there's much better options for scissors and snips available now, IMO.



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H.A. - Thank you. The bodkin was what I was referring to. I'm still learning all the lingo. I have the Wiss snips, and thought that the bodkin built in looked handy for the hand whip finish.
It also comes in handy for many other things.
Such as...Picking out dubbing, applying head cement, cleaning out eyes, removing hooks from the vice if they are wet (etc.), whip finishing, punch holes through turkey tails to measure out wingcases/thorax cases, flatten out material, etc. Not trying to sell it to anyone, but I love the wiss thread snips with the bodkin, sharp and cheap :)
Heritage-Angler wrote:

Here's an original - these actually belonged to A.K.Best. He gave them to me over a decade ago.


I used them until they got dull, and then tried to replace the tips - didn't work well after I replaced them, as the screws wouldn't tighten enough to align the shears.


Damn Ed, just use some naval jelly to get the rust off and you are good to go! :-D
jdaddy wrote:
Heritage-Angler wrote:

Here's an original - these actually belonged to A.K.Best. He gave them to me over a decade ago.


I used them until they got dull, and then tried to replace the tips - didn't work well after I replaced them, as the screws wouldn't tighten enough to align the shears.


Damn Ed, just use some naval jelly to get the rust off and you are good to go! :-D

Bragging? Yeah, I'm really proud of those snips. So proud, I had to dig them out from the bottom of my junk drawer. :roll:

Did you just ask me to put jelly on my navel?
gaeronf wrote:
Such as...Picking out dubbing, applying head cement, cleaning out eyes, removing hooks from the vice if they are wet (etc.), whip finishing, punch holes through turkey tails to measure out wingcases/thorax cases, flatten out material, etc. Not trying to sell it to anyone, but I love the wiss thread snips with the bodkin, sharp and cheap :)

Very Nice... I wish I would have seen this before I got mine. I'm guessing I could rig a bodkin on there easily enough though.
Heritage-Angler wrote:
jdaddy wrote:
Heritage-Angler wrote:

Here's an original - these actually belonged to A.K.Best. He gave them to me over a decade ago.


I used them until they got dull, and then tried to replace the tips - didn't work well after I replaced them, as the screws wouldn't tighten enough to align the shears.


Damn Ed, just use some naval jelly to get the rust off and you are good to go! :-D

Bragging? Yeah, I'm really proud of those snips. So proud, I had to dig them out from the bottom of my junk drawer. :roll:

Did you just ask me to put jelly on my navel?

Nope. There would be pie implications there.
zenherper wrote:
gaeronf wrote:
Such as...Picking out dubbing, applying head cement, cleaning out eyes, removing hooks from the vice if they are wet (etc.), whip finishing, punch holes through turkey tails to measure out wingcases/thorax cases, flatten out material, etc. Not trying to sell it to anyone, but I love the wiss thread snips with the bodkin, sharp and cheap :)

Very Nice... I wish I would have seen this before I got mine. I'm guessing I could rig a bodkin on there easily enough though.

Its quite easy. Get yourself a darning needle. They are not sharp pointed. This is important because you dont want to impale yourself. Select the right size drill bit, and put a whole in the scissors. Then slide the needle in and super glue it. Let it dry. Then bend the needle up. This is important because it will get it out of the way of many cutting jobs.
Those look like a great tool. Anybody have a good source to buy these at a low cost? All i seem to find are knock-offs in the craft store at this time.
Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah wrote:
Those look like a great tool. Anybody have a good source to buy these at a low cost? All i seem to find are knock-offs in the craft store at this time.
Wiss is a craft/sewing scissor. A while back I saw them on Amazon for about $10. HA's point about them being bulky to hold with a bobbin is worth keeping in mind. FWIW, I think the sixth finger scissors are a much better option at about $25. I rarely need a bodkin that close at hand, and for a lot of what I would do with a bodkin I just close the scissors and use the point.
Remember that the s&m bobbins are bulky. Much more bulky then a an open bobbin. My hands have no problem holding the wiss scissors and bobbin at the same time. Its all tier preference.