Fish Sticks

Fish Sticks

Well-known member
Mar 19, 2022
Central PA
After yesterdays debacle of a hatchery and fisheries committee meeting I called Senator Disanto’s office who represents my district and explained the desperate need for stocking reform due to ecological harm to cold water aquatic ecosystems and from a fiscal waste perspective. A member of his staff was very interested and mentioned that there is a meeting between PA fish and boat and the legislature this time of year and he was going to be raising the issue of stocking reform.

I mentioned that silver-fox had a similar conversation with senator Stefano’s staff in his district and they are going to be reaching out to inquire about the barriers to stocking reform as well i believe .

Please use the link at the bottom to find your local senator and contact them via phone about stocking reform. If they don’t pick up send an e-mail.

If enough people raise the issue we might be able to get something done here. I was told we likely have to stick to one issue to get anything done so stick to “stocking reform.”

Important points I hit the senators office

-PA fish and boat has the responsibility to manage the commonwealth’s aquatic resources but they are neglecting this responsibility and putting license funds into hatchery trout that harm the common wealths aquatic resources instead. Hatchery trout have been scientifically proven to do serious harm to our state fish(wild native brook trout) and other sensitive aquatic organisms.

-PFBC is stocking streams full of wild catchable trout with expensive hatchery trout creating large amounts of fiscal waste.

-hatchery expenses are increasing faster than license sales revenues. This will eventually make a fraction of people stop buying licenses because the fee increases will have to keep going up. This system cannot continue financially or ecologically.

-hatchery fish are often stocked in remote forrest streams that don’t even see high angler use but where they do large amounts of ecological damage. They often run onto private property where license purchasers cannot even go to catch them.

-hatchery trout often prevent streams from naturally producing more FREE catchable trout on their own. Essentially license funds ate being used to pay to suppress stream born angling opportunity in some cases.

To distill what we are asking for down to one simple message politicians can take to Pa fish and boat……

We want stocking reform that places a science based safe distance between harmful hatchery trout and wild native brook trout streams

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The idea of advocating for ending stocking over brook trout is a good one.

If you get the legislators' ear on stocking reform, they will ask for examples, so you need to be ready to answer that.

DO give examples of stocking over streams with native brook trout populations.

DO NOT name stream sections that are not on the wild trout list, such as the big water on Pine Creek, Kettle Creek, Loyalsock Creek etc. If you do that, you will be done for instantly.