Powdered Alum and salt, 50/50 works well for me. Been using that mixture for years. Powder Alum is available at any good pharmacy.
So are you going to get back into fly tying? BTY sorry about your physical limitations.I haven't tied flies in 15 years. One of the reasons I'm trying to get back into it is a video I watched about making your own dubbing. I'm disabled and my hunting these days is limited to sitting in my truck seat watching a patch of woods ( I have a handicap hunting permit).I got a couple squirrels and picked up a couple more road kills. I belong to a club that stocks pheasants by the hundreds. I can sit along one of the roads and watch for one to come by. Not a great way to hunt but I can't walk through the woods. Every year I see scores of birds in the dumpsters minus breasts with all the feathers still on.