
Yes, I took offense, but only because I now use both Orvis rods AND waders!!!

My main contribution to fly fishing over the past several years has been that I have developed some mild but pesky arthritis in the knuckles on my right hand. Usually, it comes on overnight and tends to work itself out by mid-morning or so. The upshot of this is that anymore, I don't bother getting on the water much before 10:00AM or so and it is often 11 before I can really grip a rod properly. And although I seldom fish where there is anyone else, I see this situation as my contribution to lessening overcrowding on the water.

I know it isn't much, but we are called upon to do what we can. I'm proud to contribute in this way...
What if CAT were spelled d.o.g.?
Sometimes I have to twist an arm, pull some teeth, doing so, I get some reactions from you, the fishermen! You are almost on point now!

The reaction I want from all of you is to think, yes, I have made great accomplishments in my life, at work and on the streams.

You, the men and women, old and young are the greatest gift Pa. has.
By reading the first few posts, I hope you got a little mad. Started to think about your accomplishments shared with fellow fishermen.

Too often we forget the good and remember the bad! Greats, are not defined by how good, books, videos, you tube, fishing shows etc.

Greats are those who have the heart to keep on going strong. I was kind of hoping someone would have posted, " I think I am great".
Afishtornado, hit the nail on the head right away. That is why he is Great.

So, when suggested, what have you accomplished, rather than laugh at spelling, use unknown words, tell everyone your story.

Let's keep this rolling. Tied your first fly, caught a monster, made a friend, taught someone to fish, stream improvements, new idea!

Believe it or not, your the future. I would like it in good hands when I am gone.

Tight Lines, brothers and sisters!
Maxima, why don't you come to the WW Jam so we can see who you are and I bet that I can teach ya lots of stuff about crushing smallies, or at least severely out fish ya if you don't suck in any knowledge. Bring your best and relax.
Maxima, do you have kids, and if so, do they still speak to you? ;-)

Don't answer that, I'm only joking.

I'm also sure that you are a decent guy who has had an intersting life. The kind of guy who most of us would love to BS with over a PA brewed beer.

If not, then you should be ashamed (reference to one of your other threads). ;-)

I once made Farmer Dave a sandwich,then he wanted a beer. I tried. GG
Just once?

How'd the wedding go. Good I hope.
I keep my accomplishments low key. I don't brag.
He's 6 7 she's 4 ft. They stomped grapes to make "remembrance" wine? Tacos, lots of wine, No I didn't get drunk. He fly fishes. She cooks. Good match. GG
FarmerDave wrote:
Maxima, do you have kids, and if so, do they still speak to you? ;-)

Don't answer that, I'm only joking.

I'm also sure that you are a decent guy who has had an intersting life. The kind of guy who most of us would love to BS with over a PA brewed beer.

If not, then you should be ashamed (reference to one of your other threads). ;-)

Go to the Rusty Rail. Good food, beer, and can make it back to Penns in 20 minutes.
I have not accomplished anything that someone else hasn't taken credit for.
I’ve accomplished nothing by reading this post. In fact, I think I just wasted 5 minutes of my life.
I’ve accomplished nothing by ready this post. In fact, I think I just wasted 5 minutes of my life.

:lol: :lol:

"The Maxima" is just plain confusing. I got whiplash trying to follow his point :-?
My acompolishments and my freinds acompolishments are bigger than you'rs.
Sal is mad.
Build a leader , save burning children.
Yay PA!

"What a waste it is to lose one's mind. Or not to have a mind is being very wasteful. How true that is." - Vice President Dan Quayle
Your perception is your reality. GG
gulfgreyhound wrote:
I keep my accomplishments low key. I don't brag.

Of course you don't.

He's 6 7 she's 4 ft. They stomped grapes to make "remembrance" wine? Tacos, lots of wine, No I didn't get drunk. He fly fishes. She cooks. Good match. GG

Sounds like a good match to me. Worked for me and my wife for close to 36 years, cept we didn't stomp grapes. Some of the dancing may have looked that way at the reception, but no grapes were injured.

Although I don't think I met them, I wish them years of happiness.
salvelinusfontinalis wrote:
My acompolishments and my freinds acompolishments are bigger than you'rs.

Yay PA!

I was thinking along those lines, but couldn't put it into words. Well done.