


Active member
Dec 30, 2009
What have you done to make Pa. the place. Absolutely Nothing!
Your sims waders, Orvis rods, clip-ons and clip offs, Big talk from small minds! I catch a lot of you, I fish with the greats! I fish with me and who comes along! Greats , yes , but we are all equal in the LORE OF FISHING!

Saw a week or so ago Joe Humphries teaching fly casting to about 30 young men and women at Hatchery on Spring Creek! Love that guy!

Old Joe, and I mean old now! What a hero and gentleman! I forsake the day Joe is gone, like others! "what have you done". A little maybe in your eyes!

In my eyes all you have done is call my Pal Joe, Beav! Let us not forget what Penn State has done not only for fishing but hunting and ecology as well.

Well, John Arway, Quit smoking that cigar, take off those white shoes, get rid of the smokers robe and come back with a vengeance, like Spartacus! Defend, Dominate, Destroy!

The 3 d's, you got it, pound it hard! We all had a deal, I am holding you to the deal!

One for all and all for one in Pa. Screw the other 49!

again, I need the gals and youth, Please support!

I can spell accomplished. That’s a good start, right?
John Arway retired. Keep current with the PAF&BC. Go to their website.
maxima12 wrote:
What have you done to make Pa. the place. Absolutely Nothing!
Your sims waders, Orvis rods, clip-ons and clip offs, Big talk from small minds! I catch a lot of you, I fish with the greats! I fish with me and who comes along! Greats , yes , but we are all equal in the LORE OF FISHING!

Saw a week or so ago Joe Humphries teaching fly casting to about 30 young men and women at Hatchery on Spring Creek! Love that guy!

Old Joe, and I mean old now! What a hero and gentleman! I forsake the day Joe is gone, like others! "what have you done". A little maybe in your eyes!

In my eyes all you have done is call my Pal Joe, Beav! Let us not forget what Penn State has done not only for fishing but hunting and ecology as well.

Well, John Arway, Quit smoking that cigar, take off those white shoes, get rid of the smokers robe and come back with a vengeance, like Spartacus! Defend, Dominate, Destroy!

The 3 d's, you got it, pound it hard! We all had a deal, I am holding you to the deal!

One for all and all for one in Pa. Screw the other 49!

again, I need the gals and youth, Please support!


What have you done to make Pa. the place. Absolutely Nothing!
Your sims waders, Orvis rods, clip-ons and clip offs, Big talk from small minds! I catch a lot of you, I fish with the greats! I fish with me and who comes along! Greats , yes , but we are all equal in the LORE OF FISHING!

Hey Maxie, there's a lot of really good guys as well as gals on PAFF, why do you sell us short? Many of the members on here have spent many hours teaching others, helping others and doing some great conservation work to make things better in PA. Some members have been on here for more than two decades doing good things. Where have you been?! You're preaching to the choir and your talk is cheap, very cheap. Go fish with your greats and quit talking down to people that actually do something to lift things up.
John if you come on, please don't defend yourself of cuts, less people, less money, cutbacks!

Come on as the hero you are and give a little foresight in what Pa.. has for all! Wonderful, Wonderful Pa.

And hat's off to Monroe county for the bounty of trout! Great job!

Tobyhanna, love you!

Hey maxipad- tell me this, what did your hero Joe do to make a living? Oh, that’s right he got PAID to teach fly fishing at Penn State. So before you put him up on some high pedestal, remember he got paid for doing a job. Not like he was out there on his own time and dime teaching people.
That's why it is not working, all dissembled, no cause and no luck!

John is retired, think I don't know that! But John has the spirit I am looking for !

Think i am a fool, your fool yourself!

I see this as a step in the right direction! Your sims, orvis, sage, winston, hardy, makes you feel good! Trout on my line makes me feel great!

Lets go, give it all you got! I don't think you got what it takes!

Remember, keep it cool! George Harvey might be watching above!

Now, If you want to talk about George, ask Joe, Then ask Ed Schenk, then ask Ed Koch, then ask Norm Shires, then ask the fFox and Vince M.

Your ways have been exausted! New ways are coming, adjust or be left behind!

Yea! bad spelling, always got a d+ in english!

Again, Joe Humphries has encountered at least 25,000 or more! I would think more! Money! For all Joe's travel, lodging, meals, flies, poles, lines, boots, vests, handshakes, good humor, honesty, reliability, good nature, attitude, pleasure, trustworthiness, and most of all LOYALNESS! I think the man broke even!

You assume, and when we assume it usually makes a #censor# out of u and me! Assume! better left dead than alive!

Wish this old man knew how to put boxes around talk! If I did, I would try rectangles, diamonds, triangles and such.

WHAT HAVE YOU ACCOMPLISHED! You tell me! I am sure you will tell me!

Well, I got a posted spot on Penns Creek open! Due to fishing duties, I have not been there for a month, maybe longer. Contacted union county club at meeting signs of walk in were brought up. Hope I had a success! Many more will follow! The Maxima12 always has a way!

For Maximax, Maximax 12:

Joe Humphreys (correct spelling of your hero's name) dropped schihyezendorfs over the hebidides to acComplish the blashmapid.

For all others:

Maxima 12 will totally understand the above message.
maxima12 wrote:

In the past three weeks I've walked my daughter down the isle, taught my grandson to tie a fly, and spent an afternoon wading on a spring creek. After the medical challenges I've had the past few years I consider that an accomplishment.
Well considering that I haven't tied a fly in 2019 and I trout fished once in March and smallie fished once in April, both successful outings, I may add, I wouldn't say that I have accomplished much with regards to what I believe you're referring to.
franklin wrote:
maxima12 wrote:

In the past three weeks I've walked my daughter down the isle, taught my grandson to tie a fly, and spent an afternoon wading on a spring creek. After the medical challenges I've had the past few years I consider that an accomplishment.

Sounds like a great couple of weeks.....good for you. Keep it going.
Maxy your a funny guy. Over the last fifty years or so I've given away thousands of flies to beginners who started to fly fish. I've given away more fly poles and reels than I've sold. In fact I only remember selling one fly pole and it was a Orvis 9 foot 3 weight rod and reel to a young fella for $20.00. I didn't want him to feel obligated to me.

I've also tied flies at a sportsman club that had a youth day for kids who could shoot muzzle loaders, shotguns, and rifles. Every kid that stopped by I tied him or her a Wooley Bugger for their own. You have to plant seeds to get a good crop.

I don't know any old timers who wouldn't help a youngster get started in fly fishing they just don't brag about it.
Nothing better than the self inflated worth of pea brain fly fishermen. Why on earth do some FF act and believe they are doing something great for the world through fly fishing? If that’s your greatness you have set the bar very very low.
I am astounded that so many of you understood that nonsense well enough to take offense.
Why do people fall for these measuring contests?

Before you respond to this (Maxima), I really don't care what you think of me. I'm not applying for a job.

No rebuttal. (LJ)
