Acid Mine Drainage Recovery?


The South Sandy project upcoming should be very beneficial to that watershed. Not to mention it gets rid of a huge eyesore.

Where is the Toby Creek in Clarion you are referring to? I can take a look at it and see if it's something worth doing projects on.
PAgeologist wrote:

Where is the Toby Creek in Clarion you are referring to? I can take a look at it and see if it's something worth doing projects on.

It's a fairly large watershed that runs cold. It dumps into the Clarion River North of the town of Clarion. It drains a large area of Northern Clarion County from about Leeper to Clarion much of which was heavily strip mined years ago. For additional reference, it flows through State Game lands 72 before it reaches the river.

We used to frequent a couple of swimming holes when I was a kid and we would come out tingly fresh. ;-)

Google the following.

Toby Creek Watershed Analysis of Acid Mine Drainage -

It's a word document report generated in 2010 based on sampling in in 2009 complete with maps.

I've seen at least one older study (from the 70s I think) and from memory it does look like things have improved.

I think the headwater is listed as having natural reproduction on the PF&BC website. The study shows PH of 7 at rt 36 bridge. That is quite good, but it gets much worse as you go downstream. There is potential there, IMO.

I've heard rumors of possible projects on this, but I don't live near there anymore.

Some of the tribs are quite nasty.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. But I moved out of that area 35 years ago.
Thanks Dave. I'll try to make it up there this summer and check it out.
No, ...

Thank you!