A welcome surprise on a tough float



Well-known member
Feb 27, 2017
Downingtown, PA
Hey guys,

I didn't want to post a stream report about this specific trip, but I wanted to share the story and the fish we worked hard to catch on Friday.

My buddy and I wanted to get his raft out for the first time in 2024, but we've had to change our plans a few times due to recent rain and blown out big rivers. Thursday we were trying to figure out where to go, and we decided to go somewhere we've never floated. We came up with a float plan and sent it.

When we made it to the stream, we thought alright todays going to be a good day. Water looked perfect, but high. We had a few 7wts and an 8wt rigged up, and spent the entire day casting streamers at the bank hoping for a bite.

The fishing was TOUGH, we lost flies to trees both on land and under water. The water was swift so it was difficult to retrieve snagged flies. 1/2 through the float we had maybe 2 or 3 bites, but no fish landed. We couldn't determine what the issue was, maybe the water was too cold or the incoming front through the fish off.

Regardless, we kept fishing. I switched up flies and downsized significantly from the big drunk & disorderly I was casting, and FINALLY a bite. The 7wt rod I was using bent in half, something under a tree grabbed my streamer and immediately started fighting. We couldn't tell what it was at first. Then a flash of yellow, I knew it was a big brown.

After an about 5-10 minute fight (it seemed like an hour), which included close calls with the line getting tangled in the oars, the logjam, and the fish bulldogging me in the swift water, my buddy netted the fish. This brown was easily my personal best trout.



I didn't get a measurement on the trout, but that fish was heavy. We were more concerned with releasing it quickly.

The persistence paid off, and while that fish was the only one landed all day, it was well worth the effort.

Great looking fish....that's when ya swing for the fence....sometimes it pays off 😉
Big, fat trout! Congrats! One is definitely enough some days, but one that big is really enough.
Mike Iaconelli, another Joisey guy!!!