A Reminder



Staff member
Dec 13, 2021
Occasionally I find it constructive to review what the site is all about. Like many here I enjoy this site and have established some guidelines for us to follow. This helps provide some trust and expectations of conduct on the site so we all can enjoy the site. The guidelines are not perfect, but I do believe they set the tone. I am not saying you have to like the guidelines, but I do expect you to follow them. If you don't think the guidelines are something you can follow or not a fit for your style, you are probably on the wrong website and may enjoy another site more to your personality.

There have been over 175,000 people that have visited the site over the last twelve months. My direction is to answer to the majority and not pander the minority. So as a reminder here are the guidelines:

This website is here to help foster a shared interest in expanding our knowledge, experience and most importantly our enjoyment for fly fishing in Pennsylvania region. Humor, ideas, debate, and opinions are encouraged. Deliberate insults, personal attacks, and lewd comments are not welcome for any reason.

An example of this policy can be explained as it relates to political discussions. Where political issues are relevant to fly fishing or conservation, they may be discussed, but personal attacks directed toward public figures, government personnel, political parties or political groups should be avoided. Criticism of official, parties or groups is not off limits, but a fine line exists between criticism and attack, so users are cautioned to temper their remarks to avoid bitter argument, which may result in bad feelings among participants and in extreme cases, such threads or individual posts being deleted. Thank you for your understanding.

Paflyfish permits the use of signature lines for personal use with statements or personal links that follow the existing site policies. Business and other organizational links are considered advertising and not permitted. An individual with a business association can provide a signature line stating that organizational affiliation, but not promoting or linking to that organization.

Advertisements of any kind, for any reason, for any product or service are not permitted on the site without permission. We do offer advertising options on the site and please contact us at info@paflyfish.com for more details. It is a great way to reach thousands of anglers in the region.

Users can take part on the site with one username only. Dual identities and multiple user names are not welcome. The use of multiple usernames is deceptive to other other members and a burdon to the site moderation. This is grounds for immediate removal from the site.

If you have an event or activity that relates to Fly Fishing in Pennsylvania please post it in the Events Forum. If you would like to swap some fishing gear please post in the Swap Forum.

As a community site that encourages fly fishing in Pennsylvania, this site also encourages the sharing of ideas, fish stories, stream locations, and general helping of others to learn more and become better fly fishing anglers.

So let me try this again in a different way one last time.

• This is a fly tying forum and people make posts about tying flies.

• If your topic or related comments are are not about fly tying there are other forums for your topics or issues.

• Deliberate insults, personal attacks, and lewd comments are not welcome for any reason.

• There are only four moderators on the site and they are in charge of moderating the forums.

There has been so much personal guidance provided by the mods over the last month to people and we are done with this phase of the hand holding. If you think you are almost over the line, I can asure you to look behind you as you probably walked past it the same time you walked past the sign that said no personal attacks.

I really don't care about petty differences and all the nonsense that seems to have ensued. 99.99% of the rest of the site dosen't care either. If that is your stick, God love you, but you may enjoy another site that is more of a fit for that style.

Great Post, thanks for re-posting!!

Thanks Dave. I enjoy sharing ideas and good wishes at this time of year. That said, Happy Holidays to the PAFF posters and moderators!
Thanks for posting Dave. Thank you to all the moderators for there great work. Happy Holidays everyone!
Thank you for posting this. There seemed to be a lot of "badgering" on this site. Please keep it constructive.
Well said and thank you.